How Do I Get a Debt Consolidation Loan?

Juggling multiple debts can often feel like a relentless cycle, can’t it? One moment, you’re paying off a credit card; the next, a personal loan comes knocking. You’re not the only one in this boat— a 2023 Credmint survey found that 63% of Indians are balancing more than one debt, leading to an exhausting and overwhelming financial juggle.

But imagine if you could replace that juggle with a single, synchronized rhythm. That’s where debt consolidation loans come in, offering not just a financial strategy but a peace of mind. They simplify your debts into one manageable payment, giving you the breathing space to enjoy life’s moments, big and small.

personal loan

So, What Exactly is Debt and Debt Consolidation?

Debt is simply the money you borrow and need to pay back later, whether it’s from banks, non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), or online lenders. Remember that when you take out any unsecured loan, you’ll have to repay more than you borrowed because of interest and other fees.

What’s Debt Consolidation?

Debt consolidation is a way to combine all your different debts into one. Instead of dealing with multiple interest rates, you’ll have just one fixed rate to worry about. It’s a straightforward approach that helps you keep track of what you owe and pay it off sooner. Think of it as a smart move to stay clear of debt troubles. Now you might be wondering what a debt consolidation loan is. To answer this, read below:

What Are Debt Consolidation Loans, and How Do They Work?

Debt consolidation loans are a kind of loan that combines several debts into one new loan, usually with a lower interest rate. This can help you manage your debts better by making just one payment each month and might even help you pay off your debt faster.

These loans are often unsecured, meaning you don’t need to offer something you own as security for the loan. Instead, lenders decide if they’ll give you a loan based on your credit score and your debt-to-income ratio, which is a way to measure how much debt you have compared to how much money you make. If your credit isn’t great, it might be tough to get a good loan rate.

But, some lenders are willing to give loans to people with lower credit scores. Make sure to look at the loan’s APR, or Annual Percentage Rate, which shows the total cost of borrowing, including fees and interest. You’ll want the APR on your new debt consolidation loan to be lower than what you’re currently paying on your debts.

Also, Read: NBFC Loans Without CIBIL Score: Your Complete Guide

But Is Debt Consolidation A Good or a Risky Move?

Let’s weigh the pros and cons:

Pros of Debt ConsolidationDrawbacks of Debt Consolidation
Simplified Finances
Combines multiple payments into one
Potential for Increased Debt
Mismanagement can lead to more debt.
Lower Interest Rates
Can lead to savings on interest payments.
Fees and Costs
May include various fees (origination, transfer).
Reduced Monthly Payments
Can make monthly payments more manageable.
Risk of Losing Collateral
Secured loans risk assets like your home.
Improved Credit Score
Regular payments can boost creditworthiness.
Not Suitable for All Debts
May not apply to student or tax debts.
Debt-Free Sooner
Helps pay off debt faster by reducing the interest
Credit Score Impact
Initial process may lower credit score temporarily.

Now that you know the advantages and disadvantages, let’s look at some of the features debt consolidation loan offers:

Features for Debt Consolidation Loan:

1. Cost-Effective: Personal Loans offer an economical way to clear your debts. Instead of juggling several repayments, you can consolidate them into one easy payment with the simplicity of an online application.

2. No Collateral Needed: There’s no requirement for collateral or a guarantor to get a Personal Loan.

3. Fast Processing: Verification and approval of your loan application, along with necessary documents, are swift, ensuring you receive the loan quickly.

4. Immediate Funds: Once approved, the loan amount is directly transferred to your bank account without delay.

5. Flexible Repayment: Personal Loans allow for a repayment period of up to 6 years, giving you the freedom to choose a loan amount that not only covers your debts but also any additional needs, based on what you can afford to pay back.

Types of Debt Consolidation:

1. Combining Multiple Personal Loans:

This method merges several personal loans into one, offering a single monthly payment. It makes managing debt easier and often comes with a lower interest rate. For example, instead of dealing with different payments, rates, and due dates for three personal loans, you consolidate them into one loan. This gives you one payment at one interest rate, simplifying your finances and potentially reducing costs.

2. Consolidating Credit Card Debt:

Here, you combine all your credit card debts into one loan with a lower interest rate. For instance, if you owe different amounts on three credit cards, you can take out one personal loan to clear all these balances. This leaves you with a single, more manageable payment and usually a lower interest rate.

3. Merging Various Debts:

If you have a mix of personal loans and credit card debts, you can consolidate them all into one personal loan with a lower interest rate. This approach simplifies your payments to just one per month and reduces the amount of interest you pay.

4. Choosing Debts to Consolidate:

If you can’t consolidate all your debts due to loan amount restrictions, prioritize paying off the debts with the highest interest rates first. For example, if you’re eligible for a loan that doesn’t cover all your debts, use it to clear the most expensive debts first. This strategy reduces the overall interest you’ll pay.

Also, Read: 50000 Loan on Aadhaar Card – Check Eligibility & Step to Apply

Calculate Your Personal Loan EMI 

How do you Consolidate Debt with a Personal Loan?

1. Assess Your Situation: Calculate your total debt and income.
2. Shop Around: Compare interest rates and terms from different lenders.
3. Apply for a Loan: Choose a lender with a good reputation and terms that suit you.
4. Pay off Your Existing Debts: Use the loan proceeds to settle your outstanding balances.
5. Make Consistent Payments: Stick to your repayment plan to avoid falling behind.

Or, you can take the help of Credmudra-Credmudra’s debt consolidation loan, which is your go-to solution, designed to effortlessly match you with the ideal lender for your unique needs.

Here’s How you Can Begin this Stress-Free Journey:

1. Dive into Our Website: Kick things off by visiting the Credmudra website. We’ve made sure it’s user-friendly, so finding your way around will be a breeze.

personal loan for debt consolidation

2. Fill Out Our Quick Form: We know your time is precious, so we’ve kept our form short and sweet. Just a few clicks, and you’ll be on your way. This form is your first step towards financial clarity, asking only the essentials to understand your needs.

Fill Out Our Quick Form

fill loan detail

fill personal detail

Submit loan application

3. Sit Back While We Work for You: After you hit ‘submit,’ our team takes over. We use your form to pinpoint the lender from our network who best fits your financial situation. Our goal? To find you a loan that not only consolidates your debt but also comes with terms that make your financial management smoother and more manageable.

Submit the application

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Choosing Credmudra means opting for a pathway out of the debt maze with a trusted partner who makes the process as straightforward and comfortable as possible. Let’s take the first step together towards consolidating your debt and paving the way for a clearer financial future. However, if you are still not sure whether debt consolidation is right for you or not, consider the following points:

Also, Read: I Need 30,000 Rupees Loan Urgently In a Day

When is a Debt Consolidation Loan a Good Idea?

1. You have high-interest debts that are difficult to manage.
2. You have a stable income and a good credit score.
3. You are committed to making consistent on-time payments.

However, if you find yourself in a position where your debt consolidation loan is not getting approval, you can follow these steps to resolve that:

Turn a Loan Denial Into Approval: Steps to Overcome Debt Consolidation Setbacks

If your request for a debt consolidation loan gets turned down, here are some actions to take:

1. Examine Your Credit Report: Search for any inaccuracies that may have impacted your loan request and challenge them as needed.

2. Lower Your Debt-to-Income Ratio: Achieve this by reducing your debt or boosting your earnings.

3. Seek Out Other Lenders: Look for lenders with more flexible criteria, but be aware they may offer loans at higher interest rates.

4. Think About a Guarantor: A guarantor with a solid credit history can enhance your likelihood of getting the loan approved.

5. Enhance Your Credit Rating: Practicing good credit habits can gradually upgrade your rating, making you more appealing to lenders.

Following these suggestions can help tackle the issues leading to the denial of your loan and better your chances for future loan approvals.

Debt consolidation can be a powerful tool for managing multiple debts, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Weigh the pros and cons carefully, do your research, and choose a plan that aligns with your financial situation and goals. Remember, responsible borrowing and financial discipline are key to achieving long-term financial stability. So, take control of your finances, simplify your debt, and breathe a sigh of relief!

Tip: Consider seeking guidance from a financial advisor for personalized advice tailored to your unique circumstances.


1. Is Approval for a Debt Consolidation Loan Guaranteed for All Applicants?

Approval for a debt consolidation loan is primarily dependent on the applicant’s credit score and debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. This evaluation influences both eligibility and the interest rate offered. Applicants with poor credit often face challenges in qualifying for these loans or receiving favorable interest rates. Nonetheless, certain lenders specialize in providing personal loans to individuals with bad credit.

2. Do I Need to Pay Debts that are Only in My Husband’s Name?

Merely being married does not automatically make you responsible for your spouse’s debts. The obligation to share in the repayment depends on whether the debt is solely in your spouse’s name or jointly held with yours. Debts incurred by your spouse under their name alone do not legally require you to assume responsibility for repayment.

3. What is a Potential Disadvantage of A Debt Consolidation Loan?

A possible downside is paying a higher interest rate. Factors like the total loan amount and the length of the loan term can contribute to this. While a longer loan term might reduce your monthly payments, it could lead to higher total interest costs over the duration of the loan.

4. Is it Possible to Collect A Decade-Old Debt?

Generally, the statute of limitations for debt collection expires after 10 years. While a debt collector might still try to recover the debt (which you are technically still obligated to pay), they usually cannot initiate legal proceedings against you.

How Much Personal Loan Can I Get on 50000 Salary in India?

When you’re earning ₹50,000 a month, considering a personal loan can often bring up a lot of questions. How much can you borrow? What will your repayments look like? And what do you need to apply? These questions are particularly relevant when you’re planning for unforeseen expenses or big life events. This blog is here to simplify the world of personal loans for those earning a ₹50,000 salary. We’ll explore what personal loans are, how much you might be eligible to borrow, and what the application process involves, all presented in an easy-to-understand manner. Whether you’re new to the world of personal finance or looking to brush up on your knowledge, this blog is designed to help you navigate the process with confidence and clarity.

personal loan

What are Personal Loans?

Personal loans are unsecured loans provided by financial institutions without the need for collateral. They are versatile, allowing borrowers to use the funds for various purposes, including medical emergencies, education, weddings, or consolidating debt. Unlike specific loans like home or car loans, personal loans give you the freedom to use the amount as you see fit.

How Much Personal Loan Can I Get on 50,000 Salary?

If you’re planning a wedding, holiday, or property investment and have a ₹50,000 salary, you’ll likely start by budgeting for these needs. Then, you’ll wonder, “What size personal loan can I secure with my salary, and will it match my budget?”

Banks and lenders use a multiplier method to decide the maximum loan you can get, usually 10 to 20 times your monthly income. They also consider your Fixed Obligations to Income Ratio (FOIR) before approving a loan. This includes your current EMIs, credit card payments, essential bills, and the potential new EMI. If your FOIR is over 40-50%, your loan might be denied or the repayment period extended to keep the FOIR within acceptable limits.

If your FOIR is reasonable, on a ₹50,000 salary, you could be eligible for a loan ranging from ₹5 lakhs to ₹10 lakhs, depending on the lender’s credit policy.

To Get a Much Deeper Understanding of this, Here are Two Methods that Lenders Commonly Follow:

1. The Multiplier Method

The multiplier method is a way of determining loan eligibility based on a fixed multiplier times the monthly salary. This multiplier varies between lenders and is influenced by factors such as the company you work for and your salary.

Multiplier Method Example: If a bank uses a multiplier of 20 for a ₹50,000 salary, the maximum loan amount you’d be eligible for would be ₹50,000 multiplied by 20, which equals ₹10,00,000.

2. The Fixed Obligation to Income Ratio (FOIR)

The fixe d obligation to income ratio method calculates the maximum EMI you can service as a percentage of your monthly income, subtracting any existing fixed obligations like other EMIs. Lenders use this to ensure you have sufficient disposable income to pay back the loan.

FOIR Method Example: Assuming the bank prefers a FOIR at 50%, and you have existing obligations of ₹10,000 monthly, the calculation for a ₹50,000 salary would be 50% of ₹50,000 (which is ₹25,000) minus ₹10,000, equaling ₹15,000. This ₹15,000 would be the maximum EMI you’re eligible for under the FOIR method.

Now, before we tell you the steps on how you can get a personal loan with 50,000 salary, let’s look at the interest rate they come with:

Interest Rate on a Personal Loan with 50,000 Salary:

The interest rate for a personal loan on a salary of ₹50,000 varies and is determined based on factors like the applicant’s credit score, employment status, and the lender’s policy. Let’s look at some of the banks and the interest rates that they offer:

LenderInterest Rate they offer:
SBI Loan11.00% onwards
 HDFC Loan10.05% onwards 
ICICI Loan10.75% onwards
Axis Loan10.49% onwards
Kotak Loan10.99% onwards
PaySense Loan16.80% onwards
Bajaj Finserv Loan11.00% onwards
Money View Loan15.96% onwards
Cashe Loan  27.00% onwards  
Kredit Bee Loan  29.88% onwards
 Tata Capital Loan 10.99% onwards 

Also Read: I Need 30,000 Rupees Loan Urgently In a Day

Eligibility for Personal Loan on ₹50,000 Salary:

  • Age: Applicants should be between 21 and 58 years old when applying.
  • Income: Minimum income requirements differ among lenders, usually ranging from ₹15,000 to ₹25,000. This may also depend on the city where you live.
  • Employment: Both salaried and self-employed individuals are eligible. Salaried employees working in government, public sector units, or well-known private firms often find it easier to obtain a loan.
  • Work Experience: Salaried individuals need 1 to 2 years of overall work experience and should be with their current employer for at least 6 months. Self-employed individuals must have been in business for 3 to 5 years.
  • Credit Score: Lenders generally look for credit scores ranging from 700 to 750 or higher.
  • Debt-Income Ratio: This ratio should be below 40% to 50% of monthly income, varying by lender.

Documents Required for Instant Personal Loan on ₹50,000 Salary:

  • Identity Proof: PAN card, Aadhaar card, or Passport.
  • Address Proof: Utility bills, Aadhaar card, or Passport.
  • Income Proof: Salary slips, bank statements, and Form 16.
  • Employment Proof: Employer ID card or work experience documents.

₹50,000 Salary Personal Loan EMI Calculator:

Here is a breakdown of the steps:

1. Assess Your Need and Capability: Determine how much you need and your ability to repay.
2. Check Your Credit Score: A good credit score increases your chances of loan approval and better interest rates.
3. Research Lenders: Compare different lenders, their interest rates, and loan terms.
4. Calculate EMIs: Use online EMI calculators to understand your repayment structure.
5. Apply for the Loan: Submit an application online or in person with the chosen lender.

How Will I Pay the EMIs for 50000 Salary Loan?

Repayment of your personal loan is typically done through monthly EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments). The EMI amount will depend on the loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. Ensure that the EMI fits comfortably within your monthly budget without straining your finances.
Remember, EMIs are like monthly gym memberships – you gotta stick to them! Here are some tips:

  • Budget Wisely: Plan your expenses around your EMI payments.
  • Set Up Auto-Debit: This ensures you never miss a payment and avoids late fees.
  • Increase Your Income: Look for ways to boost your income to make repayments easier.

What is the Maximum Loan Amount Offered for a Salary of ₹50,000?

While the maximum loan amount can vary, a common benchmark used by many lenders is up to 20 times your monthly income. For a ₹50,000 salary, this could translate to a loan amount of up to ₹10 lakhs. However, this is subject to your credit profile and the lender’s discretion.

Remember, readers:

1. Borrowing responsibly is key. Only take a loan if absolutely necessary and be sure you can comfortably repay it.

2. Compare, compare, compare! Don’t just grab the first loan offer you see.

3. Read the fine print before signing anything. Understand the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms.

The journey of getting a personal loan with a ₹50,000 salary might seem like a maze at first. Think of it as balancing your financial well-being while exploring the options available. It’s all about being smart with your money – doing your homework to understand how loans work and making choices that fit your financial life. Remember, it’s crucial to only borrow what you can comfortably repay and keep that credit score shining for the best loan deals.

We hope this blog has shed some light on the path to securing a personal loan that suits your needs without weighing you down financially. Got any questions or need more insights? Feel free to drop us a comment below – we’re here to help!

Also Read: Personal Loan for Rs. 14,000 Salary: Eligibility, Tips & Top Lenders


1. Can I Cancel My Loan Application at Any Time?

You can only cancel your loan application before you submit the Loan Agreement form. After you’ve submitted this form, canceling the loan is not possible.

2. Can a Loan Impact My Credit Score?

Yes, but it depends on your payment behavior. If you miss or delay your loan repayments, your credit score will drop. However, regular and timely payments can actually help improve your credit score.

3. What’s the Longest Duration I Can Get for a Personal Loan?

Personal loans can have a duration between 36 to 60 months, but this varies depending on the lender.

Marksheet Loan: Eligibility, Document & How To Apply

Got your marks but need money for college? A marksheet loan is here to help!

Also called an education or student loan, a marksheet loan can fund your future studies. Thanks to help from the government and Reserve Bank, both government banks and private lenders now offer these loans.

They’re for smart students who want to go to great universities but need financial aid. As long as you did well in school, a marksheet loan can help you shape your career through further education.

Wondering how to get one? It’s not too hard! We’ll break down the application process, eligibility rules, paperwork needed, and interest rates. Just keep reading to learn how a marksheet loan can help take your education to the next level.

personal loan

What is Marksheet Loan?

A marksheet loan is here to help you pursue higher education without hassle. It gives you money for accredited colleges or universities even if your funds are lacking. Unlike other loans, you don’t have to stress about payments with a marksheet loan.

The nice thing is, that you don’t have to start paying it back at all until after graduation. As long as you’re still studying, the loan is interest-free.

No monthly installments to worry about while cramming for exams. Focus on your classes instead of your loan. Payments kick in easily once that diploma is in hand.

Major Benefits Of Marksheet Loan

Marksheet loans provide several benefits for students needing financial help for their education. Here are some key advantages:

Collateral Based on Academic Achievements

  • Merit-Based: The primary benefit of a Marksheet Loan is that it depends on academic achievements instead of financial assets for collateral. This benefits outstanding students who lack other collateral.
  • Promotes Academic Excellence: The loan encourages students to achieve and maintain high academic standards.

Accessible to Many Students

  • Financial Inclusion: These loans are available to students from diverse economic backgrounds, making higher education more accessible.
  • Simplified Application Process: The main requirement is academic success, making the application process simpler than traditional loans.

Flexible Repayment Options

  • Student-Friendly Terms: Lenders offer flexible repayment terms suitable for students, possibly including lower payments and a grace period until education completion or employment.
  • Lessens Financial Stress: Flexible repayment reduces the immediate financial strain on students and their families.

Competitive Interest Rates

  • Education-Focused Rates: Marksheet Loans generally have lower interest rates than other personal loans, making them more economical for students.
  • Lower Education Costs: More affordable interest rates decrease the total cost of borrowing, thus making education more attainable.

Quick Release of Funds

  • Timely Financial Support: Once approved, these loans are disbursed quickly, giving students prompt access to funds for educational expenses.
  • Supports Immediate Needs: Fast loan processing helps cover urgent costs like tuition, accommodation, or study materials.

Purpose-Specific Loan

  • Directly Supports Education: Unlike general personal loans, Marksheet Loans are specifically designed for educational expenses, ensuring the funds are used effectively for academic growth.
  • Supports Further Studies: These loans motivate students to pursue higher education by providing financial support based on their academic record, reducing financial barriers.

Also, Read: I Need 30,000 Rupees Loan Urgently In a Day

Top Indian Banks that Offer Marksheet Loans in 2024 with their Interest Rate

Several leading banks and financial institutions in India offer mark sheet loans. Some of the prominent ones with their rate of interest include:

1. State Bank of India: 6.85% p.a. to 8.65% p.a.

2. HDFC Bank: 9.55% p.a. 13.25% p.a.

3. Canara Bank: 8.75% p.a. to 9.25% p.a.

4. Union Bank of India: 6.80% p.a. to 10.05% p.a.

5. UCO Bank: 7.30% p.a. to 9.70% p.a.

6. Bank of Baroda: 7.60% p.a. to 9.70% p.a.

7. Punjab National Bank: 6.90% p.a. to 9.55% p.a.

8. Axis Bank: 13.70% p.a. 15.20% p.a.

The Courses Covered Under Marksheet Loan:

Most mark sheet loans cover all courses that are recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) or the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). Some banks also offer loans for courses that are not recognized by these bodies. Below is the detailed list of the courses:

Eligible Educational Programs:

1. Graduation and Post Graduation: Degrees and diplomas from prestigious colleges and universities accredited by:

  • University Grants Commission (UGC)
  • All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
  • Indian Medical Council (IMC)
  • Recognized Government Authorities

2. Autonomous Institutes: Regular degree and diploma courses offered by leading autonomous educational institutes, including:

  • Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs)
  • Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs)

3. Diverse Disciplines: Wide range of educational fields, such as:

  • Engineering
  • Management
  • Medicine
  • Computer Science
  • Pure Science
  • Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Hotel and Hospitality Management
  • Fine Arts and Design

4. Technical and Vocational Training: Specialized courses catering to specific industries, including:

  • Aviation (including airhostess training)
  • Maritime (shipping courses)
  • Nursing
  • Teacher Training

Also, Read: Personal Loan for Rs. 14,000 Salary: Eligibility, Tips & Top Lenders

Eligibility Criteria for Marksheet Loan:

To be eligible for a mark sheet loan, the student must be an Indian citizen and must have secured admission to a recognized course in India or abroad. Let’s look at the eligibility criteria for a marksheet loan:

Applicant Eligibility Criteria:

1. Residency and Admission:

  • The applicant must be an Indian resident.
  • Must have secured admission to reputed colleges or universities within India or internationally.

2. Age Limit:

  • The candidate should be aged between 18 and 35 years at the time of loan application.

3. Educational Level:

  • The applicant should be enrolled in a graduate, postgraduate degree, or a postgraduate diploma program.

4. Recognition of Institution:

  • The institution where the candidate has secured admission must be recognized by authorities such as UGC, the Government, AICTE, etc.

5. Co applicant Requirement for Fulltime Courses:

  • Candidates enrolled in full-time courses must have a co-applicant. This can be a parent, guardian, spouse, or parent-in-law if the applicant is married.

Calculate Your Personal Loan EMI 

Documents Necessary for Marksheet Loan Application:

1. Educational Documentation:

  • Official admission confirmation letter from the educational institute, including a comprehensive breakdown of tuition and other fees.
  • Academic transcripts or mark sheets from 10th and 12th grade examinations.

2. Loan Application Specifics:

  • The fully completed loan application form is accompanied by two passport-sized photos of the applicant.
  • Guarantor’s agreement form.

3. Proof of Identity and Age:

  • Document copies for age verification, such as Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, Passport, or Driving License.
  • Copies of identification documents like Voter ID, Aadhaar Card, Driving License, or Passport.

4. Financial Background Documentation:

Bank statements or passbooks from the last six months, serve as income evidence for the spouse, guardian, or co-borrowers. Depending on the lender’s requirement, Form 16 and Income Tax Return (ITR) forms may also be requested for income verification.

5. At Disbursement Stage:

Provision of the institution’s official fee request letter and a disbursement requisition form duly signed by the applicant at the time funds are released.

Also, Read: How to Get Personal Loan without Pan Card?

Now, to the main question,

How to Apply for Marksheet Loan?

Getting a loan on a marksheet is quite a straightforward process, often including an online application option. Here’s a guide:

1. Calculate Costs: Tally all your course-related expenses, ensuring your figures are accurate and have documentation to back them up.
2. Apply: Visit the lender’s office or website, fill in the application, and submit it along with necessary documents like ID proofs, admission letters, and academic records.
3. Await Approval: The lender will review your application and may request additional information.
4. Receive Funds: Once approved, the loan is typically sent directly to the educational institution. You’ll need to provide a fee demand letter from your college for the disbursement.

Expenses Financed by a Marksheet Loan:

A mark sheet loan encompasses a variety of costs, including:

1. Accommodation costs, where applicable
2. The full amount of course tuition fees
3. Fees for examinations
4. Expenses for textbooks and necessary equipment
5. Charges for library access
6. Travel expenses for overseas education, if applicable
7. Purchase of a two-wheeler for commuting
8. Any other miscellaneous costs essential for completing the course

These expenses offered in the loan vary from lender to lender.

Tips for A Successful Loan Application On Marksheet

  • Make sure all your documents are original and current.
  • Keep up a strong academic performance as it plays a critical role.
  • Before signing up for anything, fully understand the loan’s terms and conditions.

In conclusion, a mark sheet loan is a great option for students who are pursuing higher education. It can help them cover the expenses related to education and can also help them build a good credit score. However, before applying for a mark sheet loan, it is important to compare the interest rates and other terms and conditions offered by different banks to get the best deal.

Your input matters! Leave a comment below with your thoughts on this article.


1. Do I Need a Guarantor to Secure a Marksheet Loan?

Indeed, having a guarantor is essential for obtaining a marksheet loan. A family member such as your parents, spouse, or guardian can act as your guarantor by providing a personal guarantee and completing the necessary guarantor documentation.

2. Are there any Fines for Delayed EMI Payments on a Marksheet Loan?

Certainly, late payments attract penalties. The specific penalty amount can differ based on the lender’s policy.

3. What Happens if My Marksheet Loan is Not Repaid?

If you fail to repay your marksheet loan, both you and your guarantor will begin to receive notices. If collateral has been provided for the loan, it may be seized. Additionally, such a default will adversely affect your credit score, specifically your CIBIL score, which could prevent you from securing loans in the future as your name would be listed in the CIBIL defaulters’ database.

4. Can the Loan Repayment Period be Extended?

Yes, should the university extend the course duration, the loan’s repayment timeline may be adjusted accordingly.

5. Is it Necessary to Provide Original Mark Sheets for the Loan Application?

Banks do not require the original mark sheets; they only request copies of the applicant’s 10th and 12th-grade mark sheets to review their academic records.

How To Apply For Rs. 5000 Loan On Aadhaar Card?

Imagine needing a small amount of money, like ₹5000, to cover an urgent expense. It could be anything rent, overdue bills, groceries. But, with traditional loan applications, you’d need to gather a mountain of paperwork and wait for lengthy approvals. Not anymore! Your Aadhaar Card is your gateway to hassle-free financing.

This unique 12-digit number serves as your primary KYC (know your customer) document, eliminating the need for piles of paperwork. Thanks to biometric data from your Aadhaar card, lenders can verify your identity and address instantly, speeding up the loan approval process.

personal loan

No collateral required, no questions asked, unlike traditional loans that often demand collateral, Aadhaar Card-based loans are unsecured, meaning you don’t have to cough up any hard assets like gold or property.

Whether it’s an unexpected medical bill, a dream international trip, a wedding celebration, or a new gadget, Aadhaar Card loans can cover a variety of needs.

The amount can be as small as ₹5000, making it perfect for immediate requirements. Applying online has never been easier.

Thanks to digitisation and your Aadhaar card, you can now apply for a loan right from the comfort of your home. With your Aadhaar data, you can complete the documentation procedure, also known as e-KYC, online. Let’s look at some features of this type of loan.

Benefits of 5000 Rupees Loan on Aadhaar Card 

1. Instant Disbursal: Get your hands on the cash you need in no time! Aadhaar card loans are known for their speedy processing and disbursement.

2. Minimal Documentation: No more piles of paperwork! Just provide your Aadhaar card details and you’re good to go.

3. Fast Processing Time: Unlike traditional loans, Aadhaar card loans are processed and approved within minutes, saving you time and effort.

4. Flexible Repayment Tenure: Choose a repayment plan that fits your financial situation, with tenures of up to 72 months.

5. No End-Use Restrictions: Use the loan amount for any urgent cash need, whether it’s medical expenses, travel, or an unexpected bill.

6. No Collateral Required: No need to pledge any assets like property or gold. Aadhaar card loans are unsecured, making them easily accessible.

So, if you’re facing a financial crunch, don’t worry! Your Aadhaar card is here to support you through.

Also, Read: How To Get A Personal Loan On Aadhaar Card?

Purpose of 5000 loan on an Aadhaar Card:

Get a quick ₹5,000 loan using your Aadhaar card. This loan can help you fast when you need money for:

1. Health costs: Get help paying for doctor visits, hospital stays, and medicine.
2. School costs: Use it for school fees, books, and other learning materials.
3. Living costs: Helps with your daily expenses like house rent, food, and bills.
4. Work costs: Can be used for your job needs, like buying goods, advertising, and paying workers.
5. Personal needs: Good for personal things like wedding costs, holiday trips, or fixing your car.

Getting this loan is easy and fast because there’s not much paperwork, but we would suggest that you should go through the interest rates offered by the banks before taking up a 5,000 loan on aadhaar card.

Interest Rates Offered by Banks on Rs 5000 Aadhaar Card Loan:

1. Axis Bank: Starting from 10.49% annual interest

2. IndusInd Bank: Annual interest begins at 10.25%

3. IDFC Bank: Interest rates commence at 10.49% annually

4.HDFC Bank: Interest rates initiate at 10.50% per annum

5. ICICI Bank: Starting from 10.50% interest annually

6. Kotak Mahindra Bank: Interest rates begin at 10.99% per annum

7. Federal Bank: Annual interest rates range from 11.49% to 14.49%

Now, let’s look at how much amount you would have to pay monthly if you take a loan of 5,000 on Aadhaar card:

Also, Read: How To Get a 10000 Loan On Aadhaar Card?

Calculate Your EMI for 5000 Aadhaar Card Loan

To calculate the Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) for a loan, we can use the formula:

 EMI = P x R x (1+R)^N / [(1+R)^N-1] 


  • P is the principal amount (the initial amount of the loan),
  • r is the monthly interest rate (annual interest rate divided by 12),
  • n is the number of months.

Let’s assume an average interest rate from the ones provided, as the exact rate might depend on the bank and other factors. Taking an average of the rates provided (which range from 10.25% to around 14.49%), let’s use an approximate rate of 12% per annum for calculation purposes.

First, we convert the annual interest rate to a monthly interest rate by dividing by 12:
r = 12% / 12 = 1% per month = 0.01 (as a decimal)

Then, we use the formula with:


Let’s calculate the EMI using these values.

The calculated Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) for a ₹5,000 loan using an Aadhaar card at an approximate average annual interest rate of 12% for a period of 12 months would be approximately ₹444.24 per month.

Also, Read:  How to Apply for a ₹1000 Loan on Aadhaar Card?

Eligibility Criteria for 5000 Aadhaar Card Loan:

1. Age: You must be between 21 and 65 years old to apply for the loan.

2.Documents: Your Aadhaar card is the primary document required for the application process.

3. Employment: Whether you’re salaried or self-employed, you’re eligible to apply.

4. Income: Your monthly salary must meet the minimum income criteria set by the lender.

5. Credit Score: A credit score of 650 or above is generally considered desirable for loan approval.

6. Bank Account: An active bank account linked to your Aadhaar card and internet banking facility is essential.

Is Only an Aadhaar Card Sufficient for 5000 Loan On Aadhar Card?

An Aadhaar card can be sufficient to apply for an instant ₹5,000 loan, but additional criteria must typically be met. While the Aadhaar card facilitates electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) processes, making it easier to apply for loans online with minimal documentation, most lenders also require proof of income and a check of your credit history to approve the loan.

1. Income Requirements: Many lenders require you to have a minimum monthly income to qualify for the loan. This income must be verifiable and usually needs to be credited directly to a bank account.

2. Credit Score: A minimum credit score (often around 650) might be necessary, depending on the lender. The credit score helps lenders assess your creditworthiness and repayment capacity.

3. Employment Status: You generally need to be employed, either salaried or self-employed, to apply for such loans. The stability and nature of your employment might also be considered.

Documents Required for 5000 loan on an Aadhaar Card

Even for a small 5,000 loan on Aadhar card, additional documentation, such as 

  • proof of income, 
  • proof of address and 
  • a recent photograph may still be required,

Now that you know the documents, let’s break down how you can apply for a Rs 5,000 loan.

How Can I Get 5000 Loan With Only An Aadhaar Card?

Here’s how you can apply for a Rs 5,000 loan on aadhaar card?

Thanks to digitization and your Aadhaar card, you can now apply for a loan right from the comfort of your home. Follow the steps below: 

1. Go to the lender’s site or app

2. Sign up with your phone number

3. Input personal info and income details

4. Choose loan amount & tenure

5. Add bank details for direct disbursement

It’s important to understand that while the Aadhaar card facilitates the application process by simplifying the KYC requirement, some lenders might still require additional proof of income or check your credit score to assess your creditworthiness and repayment capacity. Ensure you review the lender’s requirements and terms thoroughly before applying​!

4 Points To Remember Before Applying for ₹5,000 Aadhaar Card Loan

Here are some points to consider before applying for a ₹5,000 loan using an Aadhaar card:

1. Verify Eligibility: Confirm that you meet the lender’s requirements, such as age and income criteria, before applying.

2. Review the Loan Terms: Carefully examine the loan agreement, especially the interest rates, fees, and repayment conditions.

3. Evaluate Repayment Ability: Ensure you have the financial capacity to repay the loan comfortably within the agreed timeframe.

4. Keep a Healthy Credit Score: While not always required for small loans, maintaining a good credit score can enhance your likelihood of getting approved.

No need to step out or gather physical documents. E-KYC saves you time and effort, letting you access the funds you need faster. So, if life throws you a financial curveball, don’t panic! Your Aadhaar card is your key to convenient and affordable financing. Just remember to repay your loan responsibly to maintain a good credit score.

Also, Read: How to Get Rs. 2 lakh Personal Loan on Aadhaar Card?

 FAQs On 5000 Aadhaar Card Loan:

1. Is an Aadhaar Card Loan Genuine or Deceptive?

 An Aadhaar-based cash loan can be legitimate if acquired from authorized lenders. However, caution is advised against potential scams or unethical practices.

2. What’s the Interest Rate for A ₹5,000 Aadhaar Card Loan?

Interest rates for Aadhaar card loans typically start at 9% per annum. However, the exact rate you’ll be offered depends on your individual circumstances, such as your credit history and repayment tenure.

3. Do I Need to Provide Collateral to Get An Aadhaar Card Loan?

Nope, Aadhaar card loans are unsecured loans, meaning you don’t need to put up any collateral, like property or gold, to qualify for the loan.

4. How Long Does it Take to Receive the Loan Amount with An Aadhaar Card Loan?

The best part about Aadhaar card loans is their speedy processing time. Once your application is approved and verified, you can expect to receive the loan amount directly into your bank account within a few minutes.

5. How do I Obtain A ₹5000 Loan without A Salary Slip? 

Explore alternatives like online lenders or microfinance institutions, which might offer different eligibility criteria, enabling you to secure the loan without a salary slip.

Also, Read: Apply for a Rs. 50,000 loan on an Aadhaar Card

How to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card in 2024?

Applying for a personal loan to tackle unexpected financial emergencies, such as home renovation, travel, and vehicle repairs, always helps address the situation promptly. However, having a poor credit score might result in loan rejections from digital lenders and banks.

Checking and increasing your CIBIL score using some best practices helps you get personal loans quickly during a financial crisis. It’s easy to check your CIBIL scores online using your Aadhaar card number.

This article discusses the ways to check cibil score using Aadhaar card, and effective tips to improve it.

Also, Read: Credit Score vs CIBIL Score: Are they Even Different?

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How to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card?

Checking your CIBIL score frequently and maintaining it above 750 is crucial, as it’s difficult to get loans without a good CIBIL score. You can submit your Aadhaar card as an identity proof to check your CIBIL score. However, checking your CIBIL score using only your Aadhaar card number is impossible. Along with your Aadhaar card, you need to provide PAN card details as it records all your financial transactions. Submit your PAN card and Aadhaar for identity verification to know your CIBIL score.

Ways to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card Online

Two easy ways you can try to get your CIBIL score for free before you begin to apply for a personal loan:

1. CIBIL’s Website

Visit official CIBIL website to check your credit score for free once a year. They also have paid plans to which you can subscribe if you want to check your CIBIL score frequently.

See this table to choose a plan that fits your budget and purpose: 

BasicRs.500 for a month
StandardRs.800 for 6 months
PremiumRs.1200 for 12 months

With these plans, you can access your CIBIL report, tailored loan offers, score simulator, trended view, and CIBIL alerts.

Step 1: Register and create an account if you’ve never used CIBIL’s website to get a free CIBIL report. Enter your username and password to log in if you already have an account.

Step 2: After signing in, enter your email address, password, first name, and last name. Then choose the ID type from different identity documents (PAN card, Passport, Voter ID, Ration Card, and Driver’s License).

After choosing the ID type, submit the ID Number, Date of Birth, Pincode, and your Mobile Number. Click ‘Accept and Continue’ to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: You’ll receive an OTP to your mobile number, type in the OTP and click ‘Continue’. After enrolling, Select ‘Go to Dashboard’ to check your credit score.

2. Other Websites and Mobile Applications

In addition to CIBIL’s website, various other websites and mobile applications allow you to check CIBIL scores for free. The steps are straightforward: register, submit the required details, and continue to check your CIBIL score. Unlike CIBIL, these websites allow you to check your CIBIL score for free multiple times.

Also, Read: Get Personal loan for CIBIL Defaulters Instantly

What is a CIBIL Score?

CIBIL score, a three-digit number ranging between 300-900, shows lenders your loan repayment capabilities. It is calculated by the Credit Information Bureau India Limited, an agency authorized by the Reserve Bank Of India. Factors such as credit repayment history, credit inquiries, credit mix, and credit utilization decide your CIBIL score.

CIBIL score is one of the most important parameters lenders consider while approving loans to borrowers. The higher the CIBIL score (close to 900), the higher your chances of loans and credit card approval. Your CIBIL score also plays a significant role in helping lenders determine loan amounts, interest rates, and repayment tenure.

CIBIL Score Range: Meaning and Impact

Your CIBIL score range decides whether or not you can get loans easily. We discuss different CIBIL score ranges and how they impact your loan applications below:

Credit Score RangeMeaningImpact on Loan Approval
Above 800ExcellentQuickly get loans with flexible interest rates and repayment tenure
750 to 799GoodGet approved for loans easily
701 to 749FairYou may get loans but still need to work on your credit score
601 to 700LowDifficult to get loans and credit cards
300 to 599PoorHigh chances of getting rejected for loans, and the focus should be on improving your CIBIL score

Benefits of Maintaining a Good CIBIL Score

Some benefits that reinforce the need to maintain a high CIBIL score are:

1. Higher Chances of Loan Approval

A high CIBIL score indicates that you have been repaying your loan EMIs promptly, implying that you are a responsible borrower. This increases your chances of loan approval, as lenders and financial institutions consider you a low-risk borrower. Though you can get NBFC loans without CIBIL score, it’s important to maintain a good CIBIL score of above 750 to avail of a loan during financial emergencies.

2. Lower Interest Rates

Lenders fix interest rates based on the borrower’s risk profile. Since a high CIBIL score indicates your creditworthiness, lenders approve loans with comparatively lower interest rates. Even the slightest reduction in interest rate can help you cut costs significantly, making this one of the main benefits of maintaining a good score.

3. Increased Loan Amount

Higher loan amounts or limits increase the lender’s risk, as they come with disadvantages such as extended repayment tenures. Lenders provide higher loan amounts only to borrowers with strong CIBIL scores to avoid loan defaults. Hence, if you opt for higher loan limits, ensure you have a good CIBIL score.

4. Longer Repayment Tenure

Longer repayment tenure is advantageous for individuals, as it helps manage monthly expenses and loan EMIs without stress. However, if the CIBIL score is comparatively low with improper repayment behaviors, then lenders don’t offer flexible repayment tenure as it increases the risk on their side. Therefore, maintaining a decent CIBIL score helps you to get personal loans with flexible repayment tenure that fits your pocket.

5. Pre-Approved Loans

The benefits of pre-approved loans include minimal documentation, instant disbursal, and collateral-free loans. Maintaining a good CIBIL score helps you qualify for pre-approved loans.

Also, Read: 8 Best Ways to Improve Your CIBIL Score Quickly 

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Practical Tips to Improve Your CIBIL Score

Here are some practical tips to improve your CIBIL score:

  • Pay your EMIs on time

Pay your EMIs and credit card bills on time, as missing a single payment affects your CIBIL score. It then takes years to rebuild your CIBIL score, causing disadvantages such as higher interest rates, short repayment tenure, and low credit limits for future loans.

The best way to achieve this is to set reminders or enable automatic transfer of payments from your bank account.

  • Avoid taking multiple loans

Avoid applying for multiple loans and making multiple credit inquiries in a short period. This makes lenders think you are financially incapable. It also leads to hard inquiries on your CIBIL report, pushing your CIBIL score down further.

  • Minimize credit utilization

Maintain low credit utilization. A higher credit utilization ratio should only be temporary, where you pay off the debt quickly. This keeps your credit score steady without any fluctuations.

  • Report discrepancies in your credit report

Sometimes, errors and inconsistencies in your CIBIL report can cause poor CIBIL score. Credit bureaus may have failed to update your report or updated it with incorrect information. In such cases, applying for correction increases your CIBIL score quickly.

  • Borrow a mix of credit

Having a variety of credit mixes boosts your CIBIL score, helping lenders and banks understand how you manage different types of credit with responsible financial behaviors. Hence, handle your financial requirements through credit cards, unsecured loans, and revolving credit accounts. Pay credit card bills and loans on time to improve your credit score further.

  • Clear your debts

Not paying loans on time negatively impacts your credit score, and lenders don’t offer loans when you have a large outstanding debt. It’s better to repay the debt or foreclose the loan so that you can improve your CIBIL score.

Check Your CIBIL Score and Stay Ahead of Your Finances

The importance of maintaining a good CIBIL score continues after getting approved for loans and credit cards. A good CIBIL score increases your chances for low interest rates, flexible repayment tenure, higher loan amounts, and pre-approved loans.

This blog outlines the best ways to check your CIBIL score online. Submit the required details, and get your CIBIL score and report in a few seconds.


1.Can I check my CIBIL score using my Aadhaar card?

You can check your CIBIL score using your Aadhaar card and other documents, such as a PAN card, driver’s license, or passport. However, you cannot check it solely using your Aadhaar card.

2.Does CIBIL score matter while applying for personal loans?

You need a good CIBIL score to get approved for personal loans. Lenders prefer sanctioning loans to individuals with CIBIL scores above 750.

3.How to improve my CIBIL score?

Some ways to increase your CIBIL score are to set reminders and pay EMIs promptly, minimize credit utilization ratio, and report errors and discrepancies in your CIBIL report.

4.How to check your CIBIL score online?

Visit CIBIL’s website, create an account, and submit your details, such as name, ID number, phone number, and email address, to check your CIBIL score.

5.Can I check my CIBIL score for free?

You can check your CIBIL score for free once using your free account on CIBIL’s website. However, to check it more frequently, you need to opt for paid subscriptions.

How to Change Photo and Signature in PAN Card – Online & Offline? 

43Are you looking for ways to update your photo and signature on your PAN card? Wondering if it is even necessary to update them? Updating your PAN card might seem like a daunting process, but the reality is you can easily change photo and signature via online and offline methods. 

If you’re wondering how to complete the process without stress, we’ve got you covered. This blog discusses the importance of an updated PAN card and the step-by-step process for changing the signature and photo on your PAN card.

What is a PAN Card? 

PAN or Permanent Account Number Card is a laminated physical card issued to individuals and entities by the Income Tax Department in India. It contains a unique 10-digit identification number, a mix of alphabets and numbers that record the financial history of individuals. No two businesses or individuals can have the same PAN card number. 

The PAN card also contains crucial details about the person, such as name, date of birth, father’s name, photograph, and signature. A PAN card has now become one of the most important documents for Indian citizens. 

Why is it Important to Update Your PAN card? 

Some reasons why you shouldn’t compromise updating your PAN card

  • Identity Proof: A PAN card serves as a valid identity and age proof in India, and hence updating it facilitates passport, driving license, government benefits, voter ID, and electricity connection application processes.  
  • Loan Approval Processes: Updating your PAN card helps in two ways when you apply for personal loans. Firstly, it acts as valid identity proof you can use if you cannot submit an Aadhaar card for various reasons. Secondly, lenders can use the borrowers’ PAN cards to know about their financial behaviors. After assessing the creditworthiness of borrowers using a PAN card, lenders decide on the approval of loans. 
  • Property Selling and Buying: Are you planning to buy or sell property worth more than INR 10 lakh? The Indian government has made it mandatory for individuals to submit PAN cards in their registration process for properties above INR 10 lakh. Buyers and sellers of a particular property need their updated original and duplicate PAN cards during registration. 

As a large sum is involved in this process, the PAN card helps regulatory bodies to confirm identity and detect fraudulent activities related to the land. 

Hence, an updated PAN card saves time, allowing you to focus on the necessary steps.  

Also, Read: How to Get Personal Loans with an Aadhaar Card and PAN card? 

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Documents Required to Change Photo in PAN Card 

Before you begin the process of changing your photo or signature, gather the following documents for a seamless application process: 

  • Identity Proof: Aadhaar card, Passport, or Driver’s License 
  • Address proof: Passport, Voter’s ID, Aadhaar card, Driver’s License
  • PAN card: Scanned or duplicate copies of your PAN Card 
  • Photo of the applicant: If you need to change your photo, make sure the photo size is 3.5×2.5 cm 

Steps to Change Photo in Your PAN Card Online

Here’s a detailed step-by-step process for individuals to change the photo on their PAN card online:

Step 1: Visit the NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited) website to change PAN card data online. 

Step 2: Go to ‘Application Type’ and choose ‘Changes or correction in existing PAN Data’. Next, choose ‘Category’ and select ‘Individual’. 

Step 3: Next, submit your details such as Title (Shri, Smt, Kumari), Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Date of Birth, Email ID, and Mobile Number. Then select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to confirm your Indian Citizenship and enter your PAN number. Enter the CAPTCHA code carefully to move on to the next step.

Step 4: You will receive a token number on your phone. Enter the code to proceed.

Step 5: Complete the KYC verification process. 

Step 6: Provide mandatory details such as the Aadhaar card number and continue the application process. 

Step 7: Select ‘Photo Mismatch’, enter your Father’s or Mother’s details, and click ‘Next’ to update your photo. Upload a scanned copy of recent passport-size photographs.  

Step 8: You’ll see the ‘Address and Contact’ section, where you must submit your full address and contact details. 

Step 9: Submit address, identity, and age proof using documents such as an Aadhaar card, Voter ID, Driving License, or Passport. 

A quick tip: Submit your Aadhaar card details to fulfill all three requirements. 

Step 10: Read the declaration below, tick the check box, and then click ‘Submit’ to submit your photo update application. 

Step 11: Review the details at this stage and check for errors and corrections. To change details, click ‘Edit’ and update them.

Step 12: You’ll have to pay Rs.110 including GST, if you live in India and Rs.1020 if you reside in other countries. Save the application and take one or two printouts. 

Step 13: After the application, you’ll get a 15-digit acknowledgment number on your mobile that you can use to track the application status.

Step 14: Go to your mail, download the PDF file of your application form, and send this printout and copies of all supporting documents to the following NSDL’s address:

Also, Read: How to Change Mobile Number in PAN Card

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Income Tax PAN Services Unit,

5th Floor Mantri Sterling, 

Plot No. 341, Survey No. 997/8, Model Colony,

Near Deep Bungalow Chowk, 

Pune – 411016. 

Steps to Change Photo in Your PAN Card Offline

To carry out the process offline, follow the steps given below: 

Step 1: Download the ‘Request for New PAN Card/Changes in PAN data form’(Form 49A) from the Income Tax Department website. 

Step 2: Fill out the necessary details such as name, address, PAN card number, email address, and phone number carefully. 

Step 3: Along with the application form, attach your address, age, and identity proofs, including two passport photographs, to update your photo. 

Step 4: Submit the form at your nearest NSDL collection center. 

Step 5: Pay the charges mentioned above to complete the application process. You’ll then get a 15-digit acknowledgment number to track the status of your PAN card photo update application.  

Steps to Change Signature in Your PAN Card Online

Read the following steps to know how to change your signature on your PAN card online: 

Step 1: Visit the NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited) website to change your signature on your PAN card online. 

Step 2: Go to ‘Application Type’ and choose ‘Changes in existing PAN Data’. Next, choose ‘Category’ and select ‘Individual’. 

Step 3: Submit your details such as First Name, Middle Name, Last name, Date of Birth, Email ID, and Mobile Number. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to confirm your Indian Citizenship and enter your PAN number.

Step 4: Note the generated token number and enter it when asked. 

Step 5: Complete the KYC verification process. 

Step 6: Give mandatory details such as Aadhaar card number. 

Step 7: Select ‘Signature Change’, enter your Father’s or Mother’s details, and click ‘Next’ to update your photo. Upload a scanned copy of your signature in JPG format. 

Step 8: Submit full address and contact details in the ‘Address and Contact’ section.   

Step 9: Submit address, identity, and age proof using documents such as an Aadhaar card, Voter ID, Driving License, or Passport. 

Step 10: Read the declaration below, tick the check box, and click ‘Submit’ to submit your photo update application. 

Step 11: Review the details at this stage and check for errors and corrections. To change details, click ‘Edit’ and update them.

Step 12: Pay Rs.110 including GST, if you live in India and Rs.1020 if you reside in other countries. Save the application and take one or two printouts. 

Step 13: Upon submission, you’ll get a 15-digit acknowledgment number on your mobile that you can use to track the application status.

Step 14: Go to your mail, download the PDF file of your application form, and send this printout and copies of all supporting documents to the following NSDL’s address:


Income Tax PAN Services Unit,

5th Floor Mantri Sterling, 

Plot No. 341, Survey No. 997/8, Model Colony,

Near Deep Bungalow Chowk, 

Pune – 411016. 

Steps to Change Signature in Your PAN Card Offline

Follow these steps to change your signature on your PAN card offline

Step 1: Download the PAN card correction form from the official website of the Income Tax Department. 

Step 2: Fill out your details carefully and review the details once again to correct the errors. Add your new signature to the document. 

Step 3: Gather all supporting documents, such as identity, address, and age proofs, along with the application form. 

Step 4: Submit these documents at your nearest NSDL center and complete the payment process. 

Step 5: Use the 15-digit acknowledgment number to track the application status. 

After verification, you’ll receive the updated PAN card at the registered address within 15 working days. 

Update Your PAN Card Easily

Updating your photo and signature on your PAN card is necessary to carry out financial and non-financial transactions easily. Whether using online or offline methods, the steps are easy to follow and user-friendly. This blog outlines the process of changing the photo and signature on your PAN card. Update your PAN card conveniently by following the steps mentioned and enjoy seamless transactions and government benefits. 


1. How Long Does it Take to Receive the Corrected PAN Card?

It takes nearly 15 days to get your updated PAN card on your registered postal address. 

2. What do You do if Your PAN Card Signature is Not Updated? 

Visit the NSDL’s website and follow the abovementioned steps to submit your application for changes. After application, you’ll receive the updated PAN card in 15 days. 

3. Can I Have A Different Signature on My PAN Card and Bank Account? 

You can have different signatures, but it’s advised to maintain the same signature across all your documents for hassle-free financial processing.

4. Is it Mandatory to Update My PAN Card Signature and Photo?

Yes, updating your signature and photo on your PAN card is essential to apply for loans, sell or buy property, and open or close bank accounts seamlessly. Government professionals ask for your updated PAN card for identity verification and fraud detection processes. 

5. How Do I Edit My PAN Card? 

Visit the NSDL’s website and click ‘Changes in PAN card’. Now, you can edit any details related to your PAN data easily. 

Also, Read: How to Get a Personal Loan On an Aadhaar Card Without PAN card? 


How to File Income Tax Returns in 2024 – Step By Step Guide

Income Tax Return (ITR) filing is the process of intimating details of your yearly income to the Income Tax Department of India. If, in a financial year, you have paid income tax more than what you are liable for, you will get back the extra amount. 

According to Section 139(1) of the Income Tax Act of India, you must file your ITR compulsorily, especially if you are not exempt from paying the income tax. If you miss the due date, you may end up paying a penalty. 

You can file your Income Tax Returns online in two ways. Know them to file ITR yourself without taking help of an agent.

Documents Required For Filing Income Tax Returns

1. PAN and Aadhaar

2. Bank Statements

3. Form 16

4. Donation Receipts

5. Stock Trading Statements from the Broker Platform

6. Insurance Policy Paid Receipts Related to Life and Health

7. Bank Account Information Linked to PAN

8. Aadhaar Registered Mobile number for E-Verifying the Return

9. Interest Certificates from Banks

How to File Income Tax Returns Online

Here is a step-by-step process that you will have to follow to complete e-filing of your income tax:

Step 1: Visit the portal for e-filing, 

Visit the portal for e-filing,

Step 2: Log in to your profile using your credentials like passwords and PAN card number

Log in to your profile

Step 3: Click on ‘e-File’ and then choose the ‘Income Tax Returns’ option 

Click on ‘e-File’

Step 4: Select your concerned ‘Assessment Year’ and ‘ITR Form Number’, and choose ‘Original/Revised Number’ from the dropdown list under ‘Filing Type’, ‘Prepare and Submit Online’ available under ‘Submission Mode’

  • Choose ‘Assessment Year’ (AY) 2024-25 when filing for the Financial Year (FY) 2023-24. For FY 2022-23, select AY 2023-24. File online and ensure you select the correct filing type, either original return or revised return.

Select your concerned ‘Assessment Year’

Step 5: Click on ‘Continue’ and read given instructions properly

Step 6: Fill out the online ITR form with the necessary inputs

Step 7: Choose a verification option by clicking on ‘Taxes Paid and Verification’ (you can go for e-verification instantly or choose to do it later within 120 days of filling the form, or go with the manual verification)

Note: You need to follow steps mentioned below only if you select e-verification.

Step 8: Enter the EVC/OTP 

Step 9: Click on ‘Taxes Paid and Verification’ to verify all the details you have entered before submitting the form and then submit the filled-in form

After this, you will successfully complete the e-filing process of Income Tax Returns. 

If you are not comfortable with the online ITR filing process, you should be aware of how you can do it offline.

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How to File Income Tax Returns Offline Using ITR Utility

Here are the steps you will have to follow to apply for filing the income tax returns offline:

Step 1: Go to the e-filing portal and navigate to the ‘Downloads’ section

Step 2: Download the zip file of ITR utility from the section of ‘IT Return Preparation Software’

Step 3: Fill in ITR form with the required details 

Step 4: Check all your inputs and calculate your income tax obligation

Step 5: Generate the XML file and keep it saved

Step 6: Visit the e-filing portal again and log in to your user account

Step 7: Click on the ‘Income Tax Return’ option available under ‘e-File’ section

Step 8: Fill in the Income Tax Return page by selecting ‘Assessment Year’, ‘ITR form number’, ‘Original/Revised Return and choosing the ‘Upload XML’ option from the dropdown menu of ‘Submission Mode’ 

Step 9: Attach your ITR XML file

Step 10: Choose the DCS verification option and attach your signature file

Step 11: Enter Aadhaar OTP and complete EVC formalities

Step 12: Submit your filled-in ITR form

Upon completing these steps, you will successfully complete ITR filing.

Documents You Will Have to Submit to File ITR

Keep the following documents handy while filing the Income Tax Returns:

  • Salary Slips
  • Passbooks of Savings Accounts and PPF Account
  • PAN Card and Aadhaar Card
  • Form 16/16A/16B/16C/26AS (whichever of these are applicable)

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How to Check Income Tax Return Filing Status

After you complete the e-filing process of ITR and the verification is complete, you can see the status of your ITR filing as ‘Verified’. Later, the status becomes ‘Processed’ when the concerned authority checks and verifies your e-filing application.

If you want to know the status of your ITR filing, you will have to follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Go to the e-filing portal 

Step 2: Click on ‘Income Tax Return (ITR) Status’

Step 3: Provide your acknowledgement number and mobile number, and click on ‘Continue’

Step 4: Enter the OPT sent to your mobile number

After this, you will be able to check the status of your ITR filing.

How to Download Income Tax Verification Slip

An ITR slip is a valid proof of your annual income in a financial year. For this reason, lending institutions check this to know the repayment capacity of willing loan applicants. You may also need this for various other scenarios where you have to supply proof of your annual income.

You will have to follow the steps mentioned below to download your ITR slip:

Step 1: Log in to the e-filing portal

Step 2: Tap on ‘View Returns/Forms’

After these simple two steps, you will be able to see and download your ITR slip.

Filing an Income Tax Return is a legal mandate for the citizens who are liable to pay the income tax. Although it is not mandatory, a non income tax paying individual can also file the same to report their annual income to the Income Tax Department of India. The ITR slip can help you in situations where you need to prove your gross and net annual income.

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FAQs About Income Tax Returns

1. In What Scenarios Do I Need to Submit My ITR Slip?

Submitting the ITR slip becomes necessary while applying for a loan, credit card, visa, etc. It acts as a valid record of the annual income statement.

2. How Can I Check the Status of the ITR Filing Without logging into the e-filing portal?

You will have to go to the e-filing portal and click on the tab for ‘ITR status’. Following this, you will have to enter the ITR acknowledgement number, PAN number and CAPTCHA code to check your ITR filing status.

3. What Are the Different Ways to Generate EVC while Filing ITR?

There are different ways to generate EVC and complete the verification process. You can use your mobile number and email ID, Demat account, ATM card, Aadhaar card, or bank account details, or use the net banking facility to generate your EVC.

Check PAN Card Application Status Online: NSDL and UTIITSL Portal

The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-digit code that consists of letters and digits. It’s similar to a special card issued by the Income Tax Department. Anyone in need can apply for it, and the department will sometimes grant it to them without asking. Having a PAN allows the department to keep track of everything someone does that is relevant to taxes. This includes paying taxes, receiving money back, disclosing information about income, wealth, or gifts, engaging in certain types of transactions, speaking with tax officials, and more. PAN is similar to a personal identification number when dealing with the tax department.

Have you already submitted an application for a new or duplicate PAN card but haven’t received any update from the authorities for an extended period? In these situations, you can explore methods to check the status of your PAN card instead of stressing. There are several reliable ways available for this purpose. Keep reading to discover more.

personal loan

Why Is It Vital To Verify The Status Of Your PAN Card?

So, after you’ve gone through the PAN application process, it typically takes around 15-20 days to land in your hands. But hey, why sit around twiddling your thumbs? You can actually keep an eye on your PAN application status while you wait. It’s a smart move to catch any hiccups early on, you know? So, until that shiny PAN card reaches you, it’s a good call to keep tabs on its status.

What Papers Do I Need To Check The Status Of My PAN Card?

Just drop in your 15-digit acknowledgement number for your PAN application, easy peasy! This service is open every day, from 7 am to 11 pm. Tracking your PAN card application is a breeze, and wanna know more about checking your PAN card status through NSDL or UTIITSL? We’ve got the lowdown for you

How to Track Your PAN Card Status After Applying?

Here are the three primary methods that you may follow to check your PAN card application:

1. Tracking PAN Card Through SMS Service

It is possible to check one’s PAN card application status through their registered phone number. For this method, you will need to keep handy the 15-digit acknowledgement number.

2. You Have To Send A Text Message To The Number

57575 where you must mention your unique 15-digit code. In response, you will receive the current status via SMS.

3. Monitoring PAN Card Status Via Call

For this second method, you have to reach out to any of the TIN call centres. To do this, simply call 020-27218080 and cooperate with their official picking up your call. They will ask for your acknowledgement number along with a few other details if required.

How to Check Pan Card Status by NSDL or UTIITSL Portal

Having this option seems convenient to many people. Under this head, you may reach out to the TIN NSDL or UTIITSL portal and follow the subsequent steps. You can also log in to your E-Mudhra account to check your PAN card application status.

While following this last method, make sure to choose the same platform that you originally used to apply for the PAN card.

In case you had previously applied for a PAN card offline, then visit the official website of NSDL to check the application status.

Also, Read: How to Apply for a PAN Card Online and Offline In 2024.

What is the Process of PAN Card Status Checking via NSDL Portal?

Search for the official website of NSDL and click on the first link, and then follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the option – ‘Application type’.

2. Select the menu option ‘PAN – New / Change Request’.

PAN Card Status Checking via NSDL Portal

3. You’ll find a box appearing on your device screen. Enter your acknowledgement number here.

4. Enter the CAPTCHA code carefully.

5. Finally, click on the submit button.

What is the Procedure for PAN Card Application Tracking via UTIITSL?

After applying for a duplicate copy or a new PAN card using the UTIITSL platform, you get a unique application coupon number. Keep it safe to check the application status later on.

To check your application status you have to:

1. Visit the official website of UTIITSL

2. Either enter your PAN number (for duplicate PAN card status check) or enter the Application Coupon Number.

PAN Card Application Tracking via UTIITSL

3. Put the CAPTCHA code in the appropriate box.

PAN Card Application Tracking via UTIITSL

4. Click on the ‘Submit’ button to see the application status instantly.

Also, Read: How to Change Mobile Number in PAN Card

How to Verify Your PAN Card Application Status Without Entering Acknowledgement Number?

As per the latest directives of TIN-NSDL (also referred to as Protean), you can check your PAN Card status conveniently even without entering your acknowledgement number. This method will be applicable both for new registrants as well as for existing PAN card holders.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the process:

Visit the official website of TIN-NSDL.

  • Go for the option – ‘PAN – New/Change Request’ under the tab named ‘Application Type’.How to Verify Your PAN Card Application Status Without Entering Acknowledgement Number


  • Select the option ‘Name’ instead of ‘Acknowledgement Number’ under the PAN card status head.
  • Feed in some of your personal data like name and date of birth.
  • Lastly, click on the ‘Submit’ button to see the current status of your PAN card application.

Knowing the exact process of PAN card status checking is crucial to avoid confusion later on. It also helps you to raise queries if there’s ample delay following a new application. As you learn the application method, you can download an e-PAN card immediately and continue using it till the time you receive the physical document via the postal service.
Now, in case you are wondering, what an e-PAN card is, we have you covered.

What Exactly is e-PAN Card?

Ever heard of the e-PAN card? It’s like the digital version of that important 10-digit code issued by the Indian Income Tax Department called the PAN card. This thing is a must-have for all sorts of financial stuff like banking, mutual funds, and even filing taxes. It’s your ID for all things tax-related!

Lost your PAN card’s Acknowledgement Number? Don’t worry, it’s like finding the ‘mute’ button during a family video call—tricky, but doable! Follow these steps to learn more

Also, Read: How to Apply for Pan Card Correction Online?

How to Check PAN Card Status Without Acknowledgement Number?

Without the acknowledgement number, you can check your PAN card status through these websites:

1. By using the name and date of birth on the NSDL website

Step 1: Go to the NSDL portal
Step 2: Enter your name exactly as it appears in your PAN application, including First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name/Surname. For applicants who aren’t ‘Individuals’, input your name in the Last Name/Surname section only.
Step 3: Input your date of birth/incorporation/agreement/partnership or trust deed/formation of a body of individuals/association of persons and then click on Submit.

How to Check PAN Card Status Without Acknowledgement Number


2. Via the Coupon Card available on the UTI Portal

Step 1: Visit the official UTI website
Step 2: Now enter either the 10-character PAN number or the application coupon number
Step 3: Then, put in your date of birth
Step 4: Fill in the captcha, after that, click to submit button and you are good to go

How to Check PAN Card Status Without Acknowledgement Number


Know How to Track PAN Card Status by Aadhaar Number

In case you want to track your PAN card position through aadhaar card, follow these very simple steps:

Step 1: Head to the Income Tax e-filing website and click “Instant E-PAN” or directly click the link provided here:

How to Track PAN Card Status by Aadhaar Number


Step 2: Under “Check Status/Download PAN,” hit “Continue.”

How to Track PAN Card Status by Aadhaar Number


Step 3: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number and click “Continue.”

Step 4: Enter the OTP sent to your mobile number and click “Continue.”
Boom! Your PAN card status will be displayed right there.

Note: Your mobile number must be linked to your Aadhaar card for OTP authentication.

Also, Read: How To Check Active Loan On PAN Card?

FAQs on PAN Card Status Checking

1. After how many days can I track my PAN card status?

You can track your PAN card application status usually after 5 days from the date of application. At times this number of days may vary if there are certain holidays.

2. When to call for a PAN card status check?

You can reach out to any TIN call centre between 07:00 AM and 11:00 PM by calling 020-27218080. They’ll ask for your acknowledgement number before disclosing the requested information.

3. What is the exact format of sending an SMS for PAN card status check?

You have to type in NSDLPAN followed by the 15-digit acknowledgement number. After that simply forward your text to 57575.

4. Your application is under process at the Income Tax Department. What does this message mean?

When you’re checking your PAN Card status and spot this message, don’t sweat. It doesn’t mean your application got rejected. The thing is, with so many people applying, the officials need a while to give each application a thorough look. Plus, when the website’s jam-packed, updates might take longer than usual. Just hang tight!

5. What is the PAN Card Acknowledgement Number?

When you send in your PAN card application and it’s all good, you’ll get this cool 15-digit code – the PAN card acknowledgement number. It’s your key to checking how your card’s coming along. Plus, within a month, you can download your ePAN card using this number from NSDL or UTIITSL websites.

6. The status of the PAN card says ‘Application is inward’. What does this mean?

This indicates that the department has received the application and is processing it.

Also, Read: 10000 Loan Without a PAN Card in Few Clicks

How to Get a 10 Lakh Business Loan?

Dreaming about your business venture is like riding a roller coaster – the possibility of being your own boss, nabbing new deals, and work flexibility sounds exhilarating. However, the roller coaster comes to a halt when you realise any business requires significant capital infusion. Capital that might not be readily available. But, don’t get off the roller coaster just yet. A simple Rs. 10 lakh business loan provides the financial backing to jumpstart your business. The money can also be used to expand your existing business. In other words, loans provide some wiggle room for entrepreneurs to exercise creativity without worrying about funding. In this blog, we decode the business loan application process and take you closer to your dreams.

personal loan

Benefits of a 10 Lakh Business Loan

  • Recruiting your A-team

Use the loan amount to hire the right talent and create your dream team. The team members take the load of day-to-day operational tasks, freeing you to focus on more mission-critical business activities.

  • Marketing

Some businesses use business loans to boost their marketing and advertising efforts. In turn, the business generates more revenue and better ROI compared to the outgoing loan interest amount.

  • Business Expansion

Loans allow flexibility to rapidly expand operations by increasing production capacity, hiring more employees, getting the latest machinery, and opening new stores.

  • Cash Flow Management

Business loans improve the cash flow during economic downturns and help sustain their operations during cash crunches.

Eligibility Criteria for 10 Lakh Business Loan

Loan officers go through an eligibility criteria checklist before discussing the loan amount. Now, the criteria are different for different financial institutions. This can cause undue tension during already stressful times. So, how do you gauge the business’ eligibility before applying for a Rs. 10 lakh business loan? Wipe away those stress wrinkles as we have compiled a list of the most common eligibility criteria to make things easier for you.

1. Credit Score

All businesses have their own PAN card as they are separate entities. Naturally, they have a credit score that is separate from your own. A simple business credit score check offers a detailed history of the organization’s past and ongoing debts. While a minimum score of 700 is recommended, some institutes offer loans with a minimum score of 650. It is best to check the bank’s loan policy before moving ahead with your application. The loan applicants’ credit score is considered when the business has no credit history.

2. Business Vintage

Now, some loan providers have a business vintage policy that disqualifies new businesses. Business vintage describes the business registration date and how long it has been operational. The most common business loans require a minimum business vintage of 2 years. However, the criteria can be overlooked if you have a stellar credit history and a solid business plan. Start-up and MSME business loans don’t require business vintage documents and are easily disbursed, provided your business fulfills other criteria.

3. Business Plan

Next up, a business plan builds confidence and reassures the loan officials that you’ll pay back your dues. A good business plan contains,

Short-term and long-term business goals

Purpose for business loan

List of revenue-generating activities

Repayment plan

Consult a finance professional before creating a business plan. They’ll help you predict the future cash inflow and the ROI on your loans. After all, a professionally attested business plan holds more credibility during negotiations.

4. Collateral

Collateral is a personal or business asset that you promise to hand over to the lenders if you fail to repay the loan. However, it is not a necessity. Multiple financial institutions offer unsecured business loans up to Rs. 10 lakh without any collateral.

5. Debt History

A debt history includes timely repayment of existing loan EMIs and completed loans. A good debt history increases your chances of getting a loan.

Documents Required for a 10 Lakh Business Loan

No matter how trustworthy you look, bank officials are not going to take your words as proof – they require tangible proof. Thankfully, there are multiple documents that you can furnish to support your claims

And, trust us, these documents are so much better than just saying, “I swear, I’ll repay the loan.”

Here’s everything you require while applying for a business loan.

Identify Proof
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Passport
  • Voter’s ID Card
  • PAN Card
  • Driver’s License
Address Proof
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Driver’s License
  • Passport
  • Voter’s ID Card
  • Electricity Bill
Income Proof
  • Bank Statements for the Last Six Months.
Business Income Proof
  • CA-certified balance sheet
  • P&L Statements
  • Cash Flow Statements
  • ITR with the Income Computation
Continuation Proof
  • ITR
  • Trade License
  • Establishment Certificate
  • Trade Certificate
  • Sales Tax Certificate
Signature Proof
  • Bank Verified Signature
  • PAN Card
  • Passport
Other Documents
  • Sole Proprietorship Declaration
  • Certified Copy of Partnership Deed
  • Certified True Copy of MOA & AOA

Also, Read: How to Get a Business Loan on Low Credit Score?

Interest Rate for a Business Loan of 10 Lakh Rupees

The interest varies depending on your eligibility criteria, loan tenure, loan amount, relationship with the financial institutions, and loan type. However, most business loans offer rates between 9% to 25%.

Let’s understand this with a few examples.

Example 1:

Banks might charge higher interest rates if a person barely qualifies for the loan. However, the same person can negotiate for a lower interest rate provided they have a long-term working relationship with the bank.

Example 2:

MSME loans have lower interest rates, but they have shorter repayment periods and lower loan amounts. On the other hand, startup loans have longer repayment terms but have higher interest rates, which can go up to a staggering 44%.

As you can see, interest rates are influenced by a combination of various factors. To get the best interest rates on your Rs. 10 lakh business loan,

  • Have a working relationship with the bank
  • Select a repayment tenure of 5 years or less
  • Have a credit score of 750

Repayment Plan for 10 Lakh Business Loan

A strong repayment plan gives you an idea about how much expense the business incurs during the loan tenure. Use online calculators to calculate your EMIs with ease.

For your benefit, we have inserted an EMI calculation below to help you visualize how much you’ll be repaying.

Loan AmountInterest Rate (p.a.)Tenure (months)EMI (Rs.)Total Repayment Amount (Rs.)
Rs. 10,00,00012%1288,84910,66,185

NOTE: These are only estimates, and the actual number will vary depending on the loan terms. Additional factors to consider before applying for a business loan

There are a couple of other things you need to consider before applying:


Some banks may require a personal guarantee, also known as a guarantor. This person becomes liable for the remaining loan amount if you fail to pay your dues on time.

Hidden Charges

Check for any processing, transaction and hidden fees, before applying for the loan.

At the risk of sounding like those super-fast mutual funds advertisements, please read the documents related to your loan carefully before proceeding.

Also, Read: 25 Business Ideas Under 5 lakh Investment In India

How to Apply for a Business Loan of Rs. 10 Lakh?

After you have prepared yourself with all the documents, follow the steps below to apply for the loan.

  • Check the online loan application portal
  • Login with your credentials
  • Fill all the necessary details
  • Upload all the required documents
  • Submit the for

For offline loan applications, visit your bank branch and discuss with the loan officers. They’ll guide you through the next steps.

Applying for your Business Loan on Credmudra

Even with all the preparation in the world, business loans take a few weeks to get approved unless you are using Credmudra.

Credmudra is a loan aggregator that connects ambitious entrepreneurs with business loan providers. What are the benefits?

  • Disburses business loans on the same day
  • Reduces research time by automatically suggesting the best loan providers based on your profile
  • Reduces stress with an easy documentation process
  • Offers flexible loan tenure for easier repayment
  • If you were nervously biting your nails thinking about the business loan process, give those beautiful nails a rest and visit our website to learn more.

Apply on Credmudra, check your eligibility and get your business loan.

Also, Read: Pros and Cons of Business Loan


1. What is the EMI for a 10 lakh business loan?

The EMI differs based on interest rate and loan tenure. For example, the EMI for a Rs. 10 lakh business loan with a 12% interest rate and repayment period of 3 years is around Rs. 33,314.

2. Are there any Government Schemes for Rs 10 Lakh Business Loans?

Yes, the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana offers Rs. 10 lakh business loans to MSME businesses.

3. Can you get a Rs. 10 Lakh Business Loan without Collateral?

Yes. Some banks offer business loans without collateral as long as you are fulfilling the other eligibility criteria.

4. Can you get a Business Loan with your Salary Pay Slips?

Yes, in the case of a new business with zero credit history, the applicant’s pay slips act as income proof. Can you get a business loan with ITR? It depends on the bank’s policy. However, ITR is a must-have for anyone looking to start a business

5. Can you get a Business Loan with ITR?

It depends on the bank’s policy. However, ITR is a must-have for anyone looking to start a business

What is Education Loan in India?

Education plays a vital role in shaping an individual’s future and the overall development of our nation. However, with the rising costs of higher education, fulfilling your academic aspirations can sometimes seem like a distant dream. That’s where education loans come in, bridging the financial gap and empowering you to pursue your academic goals.

personal loan

Let us understand Education loans.

What is an Education Loan?

An education loan is a type of financial aid designed to help students cover the costs of their education, such as:

  • Tuition and Fees: This is the primary expense that an education loan can help cover. It includes the cost of attending classes, as well as any associated fees like lab fees or student activity fees.
  • Living Expenses: Depending on the loan, it can also help cover living expenses such as rent, food, and transportation, especially if the student is living away from home while attending school.
  • Books and Supplies: The cost of textbooks and other course materials can add up quickly, and an education loan can help cover these expenses as well.

Living expenses coverage under education loans lacks standardization across lenders. Typically, lenders set a cap on monthly living expenses as a proportion of the total loan amount. Therefore, it is advisable to thoroughly discuss the extent of living expenses coverage with your lender prior to finalizing the agreement.

Education loans are typically offered by banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. They come with interest rates and repayment terms that vary depending on the lender, the borrower’s creditworthiness, and other factors. Typically, loan repayments are paused during the student’s time in college and may also be postponed for an extra six months after graduation, depending on the loan provider. This postponement is known as a grace period.

Personal Loan for Education!

A personal loan for education is a type of unsecured loan you can use to cover education expenses. Unlike traditional education loans, it doesn’t require collateral, meaning you don’t need to pledge any asset like a car or house to secure the loan. Here’s a breakdown of key features:

Uses of Personal Loans for Education:

1. More Flexible: Unlike education loans specifically designated for tuition, personal loans for education can also cover living expenses, books, and other education-related costs.

2. A Wider Range of Expenses: This flexibility can be helpful in situations where an education loan might not cover all your needs.

So, if you can get a personal loan and fund your education. Wondering who will be your right lender? Choose Credmudra for a personal loan for education. We will match you with the right lender and ensure a smooth disbursement process!

Also, Read: Marksheet Loan: Eligibility, Document & How To Apply

Exploring Education Loan Options:

1. Location-Based Education Financing

  • Domestic Education Financing: Designed for students aiming to study within India, these loans are accessible upon gaining admission to an Indian educational institution and fulfilling the lender’s requirements.
  • International Study Financing: For students aspiring to study abroad, these loans cover tuition, accommodation, and airfare, contingent upon meeting the specified eligibility criteria.

2. Collateral-Based Loans

  • Asset-Secured Loans: Allows pledging of immovable properties (e.g., agricultural or residential land, houses) or financial assets (e.g., fixed deposits, gold, bonds, equity shares) to secure funds for education.
  • Guaranteed Financing: A guarantee from a bank employee or a home bank can assist in obtaining an education loan, providing a layer of security for the lender.

3. Course-Specific Education Loan:

  • Undergraduate Education Funding: Supports students in financing their undergraduate studies across various specializations, typically ranging from 3 to 4 years. Obtaining an undergraduate degree is a stepping stone towards securing employment.
  • Graduate Education Funding: Geared towards graduates pursuing further education, these loans support 2-year postgraduate courses in India, facilitating deeper knowledge in a chosen field.
  • Professional Advancement Loans: Tailored for working professionals seeking to enhance their skills through professional courses or training. These loans are ideal for those aiming to attend prestigious business or technical schools for career advancement.

What’s Covered in an Education Loan?

Here are 7 expenses that are typically covered in an Education loan.

1. Tuition and Institutional Fees: Covers the cost of tuition along with examination, library, and laboratory fees.

2. Global Study Ventures: Funds travel and passage expenses for overseas education.

3. Borrower Protection: Includes insurance premiums for student borrowers, where necessary.

4. Deposits and Funds: Supports caution deposits and building funds with receipts from institutions.

5. Educational Resources: Finances books, equipment, instruments, and uniforms.

6. Technology for Learning: Assists in purchasing computers essential for course completion.

7. Course-Related Expenses: Covers additional needs like study tours, project work, and thesis. Financial Aids Consideration: Takes into account scholarships or fee waivers available to the student.

Covered Courses in an Education Loan

1. Foundation and Advanced Learning: Includes graduation and post-graduation courses (professional/technical/diploma) recognized by UGC, IMC, AICTE, and other regulatory bodies.

2. Specialized Institutions: Encompasses courses offered by autonomous institutes such as IIM, IIT, IISc, and others in various disciplines.

3. Regulated Professional Courses: Covers degrees or diplomas in fields like pilot training and maritime studies approved by respective regulatory authorities.

4. Career-Oriented Programs: Supports job-oriented professional/technical courses at the graduate and postgraduate levels, including internationally recognized certifications like CIMA and CPA.

3 Eligibility Criteria for Education Loan

1. Loans are available for recognized undergraduate and postgraduate programs, PhDs, diplomas of at least six months, job-oriented, and technical/professional courses.

2. Eligible candidates must be enrolled or secure admission in accredited institutions, including government and professional institutions, as well as international colleges and universities.

3. For undergraduate courses, completion of 10+2 (12th grade) is required, and for postgraduate courses, a bachelor’s degree is necessary.

Also, Read: 50000 Loan on Aadhaar Card – Check Eligibility & Step to Apply

Required Documents for Education Loan

1. KYC documents. (Know your Customer)

2. Academic records: 10th, and 12th-grade mark sheets, graduation, and entrance exam results.

3. Admission confirmation letter.

4. Detailed fee structure.

5. Co-applicant’s KYC and proof of income, when applicable.

Depending on the lender, additional documents might be needed on a case-by-case basis. Now to the main question:

How to Apply for an Education Loan?

There are 5 basic steps you need to follow to apply for an Education Loan, which are:

1. Select a Bank and Loan Scheme: Choose your preferred bank and an education loan scheme that suits your needs.

2. Application: Either download the application form from the bank’s website or click on the ‘Apply Now’ option.

3. Submit Application: Complete the application form, attach the required documents, and submit.

4. Bank Review: The bank will review your documents, assess the chosen course, and evaluate any collateral provided.

5. Loan Approval and Disbursement: The bank will disburse the loan amount following approval.

An education loan can be a powerful tool for realizing your dreams of higher education. By planning carefully, researching thoroughly, and choosing the right loan, you can invest in your future without undue financial worries!

Do you have experience with education loans in India? Share your story in the comments below! If you have questions, let’s discuss them and help you make informed decisions.

Also, Read: I Need 30,000 Rupees Loan Urgently In a Day


1. What Defines An Education Loan?

An education loan represents a financial amount that is lent to individuals to fund expenses related to post-secondary or higher education. The purpose of such loans is to financially support the borrower by covering essential costs, including tuition fees, study materials, and living expenditures during their academic journey toward obtaining a degree.

2. What are the Criteria for Eligibility to Obtain an Education Loan?

A resident of India is eligible to apply for an education loan. The age of the applicant must be at least 18 years and not exceed 35 years at the time of application. Furthermore, eligibility requires that students have gained admission to a higher education program at accredited institutions, whether in India or overseas, through entrance examinations or merit-based selection processes.

3. How Challenging is it to Repay an Education Loan?

Repaying an education loan demands careful financial planning, as it involves preparing for a range of unpredictable events that can span more than ten years into the future.

4. Is it Possible to Secure an Education Loan of 20 Lakhs without Collateral?

Certain private banking institutions, including Axis, ICICI, and IDFC FIRST, may provide education loans up to 20 lakhs without the need for collateral, contingent upon the specific course being pursued and the eligibility criteria of the applicant.

5. Is it Feasible to obtain a Loan that Covers 100% of Educational Expenses?

Education loans are designed to offer comprehensive financial support, encompassing 100% of the costs associated with course fees, as well as living and travel expenses. They also come with added benefits such as tax deductions, competitive interest rates, and a grace period before repayment begins.

How Much Personal Loan Can I Get on ₹30,000 Salary in India?

Life on a ₹30,000 salary in India can be tough. Bills pile up, emergencies like medical problems or education costs hit hard, and repairs add to the stress. If you’re already juggling high-interest debts, it can feel overwhelming. Personal loans seem like a way out, a chance to breathe and tackle these challenges. If you fall into this category, you probably might have googled “How much personal loan can I get on 30,000 salary?” well, to answer that question, you can read ahead this 4 mins blog, which will brief you about various aspects related to the personal loan on a 30,000 monthly salary.

personal loan

Firstly, Let’s Figure Out What A Personal Loan Is.

Personal loans come in two types: secured and unsecured.

For a secured loan, you need to offer something valuable, like your savings or your car, as security. If you can’t pay back the loan, the lender can take this security.

Unsecured loans don’t require any security, making them riskier for lenders. Because of this risk, you might have to pay a higher interest rate if you get an unsecured loan. Banks, credit unions, and online lenders all offer these kinds of loans.

Ditch the Guesswork: What Determines Your Personal Loan Amount?

The loan amount you’re eligible for depends on various factors:

  • Credit Score: A higher CIBIL score suggests good creditworthiness.
  • Repayment History: A track record of timely payments boosts lender confidence.
  • Debt to Income Ratio: Lower existing debt means a higher loan can be serviced.
  • Employer’s Profile: Working for a reputed employer can positively affect the loan amount.

To figure out roughly how much you could borrow on a ₹30,000 salary, lenders also use these two methods: the multiplier method and the fixed obligation to income ratio (FOIR) method.

1. Multiplier Method: This is used if you don’t have any other debts. It looks at your monthly income to decide the biggest loan you can get. The loan amount is a multiple of your monthly take-home pay. Depending on how eligible you are, this multiple can go up to 30.

For a salary of ₹30,000, lenders may apply a multiplier (let’s say 20 times your salary) to estimate the loan amount you can get. This means you could potentially receive ₹6,00,000 as a loan.

2. Fixed Obligation to Income Ratio (FOIR) Method: This calculates the maximum loan you can get based on what your income is after you pay off any existing debts. If you’re already paying off a lot of debts, you might not get approved for more. With this method, 40% of your monthly income, after subtracting your expenses and multiplying the length of the loan, gives you an estimate of what you could borrow.

Lenders look at your income after existing debt payments to determine your loan eligibility. If 50% of your income can be dedicated to loan repayment, you’d be left with ₹15,000. Based on this and your repayment capacity, lenders will calculate the loan amount you’re eligible for, ensuring your total obligations do not exceed 50% of your income.

So, the answer varies if you’re wondering how much you can borrow with a ₹30,000 salary. It could be up to ₹10 lakh or more, depending on these factors.

Also, Read: Personal loan For 15,000 Salary – Step By Step Guide

Key features of Personal Loans on ₹30,000 Salary

1. Quick Approval: Streamlined processes mean faster loan disbursal.
2. Flexible Use: There are no restrictions on end use of funds.
3. No Collateral: Loans are unsecured, requiring no assets as security.
4. Structured Repayment: EMI options help in planning finances better.

Eligibility Criteria for a Loan If You Have ₹30,000 Monthly Salary

Lenders assess eligibility based on several factors to qualify for a personal loan with a ₹ 30,000 salary. Some of the most common eligibility requirements that lenders need are listed below:

1. Income Threshold: A minimum monthly salary of ₹13,500 is required. Example: An office assistant earning ₹14,000 directly deposited into their bank account meets this criteria.

2. Payment Method: Salaries must be bank-deposited, not cash. Example: A teacher receiving salary via bank transfer qualifies.

3. Credit Score: A minimum score of 650 is needed. Example: An individual with a 660 CIBIL score is eligible.

4. Age Range: Applicants must be 21 to 57 years old.

These simplified criteria aim to make personal loans more accessible to a wider audience. Now, once you have analysed whether you ticked every box of the eligibility criteria for this loan, you may be wondering:

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for A Loan with A Salary of ₹30,000?

For a personal loan application, the required documents can be categorized as follows:

1. Identity Proof: You must provide a PAN card along with one of the following:

  • an Aadhaar card,
  • valid Indian passport,
  • voter ID or
  • driver’s license to verify your identity.

2. Address Proof: One of the following is needed: Aadhaar card, valid passport, voter ID, recent utility bills (electricity, water, gas within 2 months), or driver’s license for address verification.

3.  A. Income Proof for Salaried Individuals:

  • Requires a 3-month salary statement,
  • a bank statement showing salary credit for the last three months, and
  • a copy of the last 2 years’ income tax returns (ITR).

    B. Income Proof for Self-Employed:

  • Demands a 3-month bank statement of the business account,
  • the last 2 years ITR, and
  • the last 2 years balance sheet and profit and loss statement audited by a chartered accountant.

These documents are essential to assess your loan eligibility and repayment capacity.
Coming to the main question:

Also, Read: Personal Loan for Rs. 14,000 Salary: Eligibility, Tips & Top Lenders

How do I Apply for a Personal Loan if My Salary is ₹30,000?

To obtain a personal loan online with a monthly salary of ₹30,000, follow these steps:

1. Credit Score Evaluation: Check your credit score to understand your creditworthiness.
2. Loan Comparison: Research and compare offers from various lenders to find the best interest rates and terms.
3. Document Preparation: Collect necessary documents, including proof of income, identity, and address.
4. Online Application: Complete the loan application on the lender’s website and submit it along with the required documents.
5. Await Approval: Wait for the lender to review your application and make a decision.
Or, instead, you can simply opt for Credmudra, as we match you with the right lender, making all these above steps very easy for you!

You also might be wondering, “What about the interest rate on my loan?” well, to answer that, look at the table below:

Interest Rate on Personal Loan if I am earning ₹30,000

Credmudra simplifies finding the perfect lender for you. Explore our lending partners and compare their interest rates for the best deal.

Let us look at some of the features this type of loan offers:

8 Tips to Follow Before Applying for A Loan:

1. Boost Credit Score: Pay off debts on time to enhance your credit rating.

2. Research Before Applying: Understand lender requirements to avoid application rejection.

3. Single Applications: Apply for one loan at a time to avoid the appearance of financial desperation.

4. Prepare Documentation: Have all relevant documents ready before applying.

5. Apply with a Co-applicant: A co-applicant with a good credit score can strengthen your application.

6. Opt for Shorter Loan Terms: Short-term loans are often viewed more favorably.

7. Choose Lower Loan Amounts: Smaller principal amounts are less risky for lenders.

8. Consider Collateral: Offering collateral can sometimes improve eligibility for an unsecured loan.

Understanding how much of a personal loan you can secure with a monthly salary of INR 30,000 is pivotal in planning your financial future. We’ve delved into the factors that lenders consider, including credit score, existing debts, and employment stability, which all play a crucial role in the loan approval process. Remember, while it might be tempting to borrow the maximum amount offered, it’s vital to consider your repayment capacity to avoid financial strain.

Did you find the insights shared in this blog helpful?

Please share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below. Your feedback not only helps us but also aids fellow readers who may be in a similar financial situation.

Also, Read: How Much Personal Loan Can I Get On Rs 25,000 Salary?


1. Which Loan is Less Expensive?

Secured loans usually offer a less costly option because they are supported by assets and possess lower interest rates compared to unsecured credits.

2. What’s the Best Loan to Get?

A personal loan is good for people who need a small amount of money and know they can pay it back in a couple of years.

3. How Much of A Loan is Possible with A Monthly Income of Rs. 30,000?

The loan amount one might receive on a salary of Rs. 30,000 depends on various factors other than just earnings. These include:

  • Credit score as per CIBIL
  • History of past payments
  • The ratio of debt to income

4. Can the Loan be Canceled at Any Stage of the Process?

The option to cancel a loan is available only before you have submitted the Loan Agreement form. Once this document is submitted, the loan cancellation is impossible.

5. What Steps Can I Take to Enhance My Qualifications for Obtaining a Personal loan?

To increase your chances of qualifying for a personal loan, the most effective strategy is to achieve and sustain a strong credit score.

How to Get Rs 3 Lakh Loan Without Documents?

Loan application and processing are lengthy and tedious processes. Applicants also spend a lot of time gathering essential documents, scanning them, and submitting them to the lender. 

Fortunately, digitization has paved the way for pre-approved instant personal loans without document. Lenders offer these loans to existing borrowers or account holders since they already have their KYC details such as PAN, Aadhar card number, identity and address proof, etc. You get the loan amount disbursed immediately after the loan approval. 

personal loan

This blog covers everything from application to eligibility to ways to expedite your 3 lakh loan without document for new and existing customers. 

Benefits and Feature Of Applying For A Loan Without Documents 

In addition to quick loan approval, there are several other benefits to applying for a loan without documents. We’ve listed a few below:

1. Say Goodbye to Paperwork 

All existing borrowers get pre-approved personal loan offers from their lenders. This means the lender is already aware of your financial condition and knows you meet the basic requirements of a loan application. By filling out the loan application form, you get the amount disbursed by the lender quickly after the loan approval. So bid adieu to paperwork and the long wait to get your loan approved!

2. Enjoy An Unsecured Loan

The biggest benefit of personal loans is they’re collateral-free. No need to pledge an asset against the funds. All you need is a favorable repayment history and a good credit score! 

3. Get Multiple Repayment Options 

When applying for a loan from a lender whom you’ve been a customer of, you get flexible repayment options. So you can repay the loan from anywhere between 12 months to 94 months. The duration varies from lender to lender. Check with your lender to understand their repayment schedule.  

4. Enjoy Low-Interest Rates 

If you have been associated with a lender for a long time, are may offer you a personal loan at relatively lower interest rates. 

Struggling to find the right lender that aligns with your needs? Get matched with the right lender through Credmudra.  

Eligibility Criteria of 3 Lakh Loan Without Documents

To get a Rs. 3 lakh loan, you must fulfill the following conditions:

Citizenship – You must be an Indian citizen to apply for a Rs. 3 lakh loan 

Age Criteria – You must be between 21 and 80 years old

Employment Status You must be either employed with an MNC, private or public agency or be self-employed

High CIBIL Score Your CIBIL score must be 685 or higher

Monthly Income – Your monthly income should be greater than Rs 15,000. The range varies for different lenders. 

If you’re a new customer applying for an urgent loan, check the lender’s pre-assigned loan limit by entering your mobile number and OTP on the lender’s login page.

Also, Read: Personal Loan for 8000 Salary : Step By Step Guide

Documents Required for 3 Lakh Loan Without Income Proof

Your lender will have your ID, address, and income proof if you are an existing customer. However, your lender may need updated documents if your employment status or monthly income has changed. 

As a new customer, you’re required to submit supporting documents as mentioned below:

ID Proof – Voter’s ID, PAN Card, Passport, Aadhar card, etc. 

Address Proof – Driving License, utility bills, Aadhaar card, rent agreement, etc. 

Income Proof – If you’re salaried, submit the latest salary slips (usually of the last three months) or the latest Form 16. If self-employed, submit your ITRs (Income Tax Returns) as income proof. 

Note: A few lenders do a photo-identity verification where you may not need to submit identity proof. 

Interest Rate and Tenure of 3 Lakh Rupee Loan Without Document

The interest rates mentioned here are standard. They may change depending on your credit score, employment status, loan repayment history, etc. 

Banks Interest Rates 
ICICI Bank  10.80% onwards
IDFC Bank10.75% onwards 
HDFC Bank          10.50% onwards  
IndusInd Bank10.49% onwards 
Axis Bank     10.49% onwards  

 EMI Calculator for 3 Lakh Rupee Loan

You can calculate your EMI using an EMI calculator or manually with the following formula:

EMI = P x r x (1+r)n/((1+r)n-1)


P = Loan amount

r = Interest rate

n = Tenure in months

So for P= 3,00,000 

r = 10.5% 

n = 12 months 

EMI = Rs. 26,445

Of which, 

Interest Payable = Rs 17,335

Total Payable = Rs 3,17,335

Similarly for, 

Tenure EMI 
24 months Rs. 13,913
36 months Rs. 9,751
48 months Rs. 2,744

While you can calculate EMIs with the formula, use this EMI calculator for an error-free calculation.

Many lenders offer repayment tenure of up to 94 months. 

Also, Read: Get 10000 Loan On Aadhaar Card – Step By Step Guide

How To Apply 3 Lakh Loan Without Income Proof?

As an existing customer, follow these simple steps to apply for a Rs. 3 lakh loan:

A. Login to Your Account – Access your existing lender’s portal through their mobile app or website. 

B. Check Eligibility – Review the eligibility criteria for the loan, such as income requirements, credit score, etc. 

C. Fill Out the Application Form – If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, fill out the loan application form. 

D. Review And Submit – Review the interest rate, repayment schedule, late payment penalties, etc., and submit the loan application form. 

E. Wait for the Approval – After submitting the form, let the lender notify you when it’s approved. You’ll receive the loan amount right after approval. 

If you’re a new customer, follow this step-by-step guide to apply for a personal loan.  

Best Practices for Securing a 3 Lakh Loan without Income Proof

Adhere to these best practices to enjoy a hassle-free loan approval process: 

1. Ensure Faultless Repayment History

A clean repayment history speaks volumes about your credit behavior. A history of timely repaying previous loans leaves your lender worry-free.

2. Ensure a High CIBIL Score

When you have a clean loan repayment history, a high CIBIL score follows. A credit score of at least 750 reflects responsible credit behavior, increasing the probability of getting pre-approved instant personal loan offers. Since personal loans are collateral-free, lenders pay extra importance to credit scores when evaluating loan applications. Some lenders offer loans with lower interest rates to individuals with good credit scores. 

4. Maintain Long-Standing Relationship with Lender

Maintaining a long-term relationship with a lender helps with quick loan approvals, regardless of the loan type or amount. It simplifies the application process and documentation and leads to quicker loan approvals. 

5. Maintain A 50% or Less Debt-To-Income Ratio 

A debt-to-income ratio of 50% or less is favorable for quick loan approval without documents. The lower the ratio, the greater your repayment abilities are. 

Also, Read: Personal loan For 15,000 Salary – Step By Step Guide


1. Can I Get A Rs. 3 Lakh Loan Without Submitting My PAN Card? 

When you’re applying for a loan from your existing lender, you may not be required to submit your PAN details as your existing bank may already have them. Some lenders sanction loans without a PAN card if you submit Form 60 instead. 

2. As A Self-Employed Person, What Should I Submit Instead of Salary Slips? 

Self-employed individuals can submit ITR (Income Tax Return) documents as proof of income. It helps lenders evaluate loan repayment capacity. 

3. How Can I Find Lenders Who Offer Loans Without Documents? 

Search for lenders who mention “no documents required” or “minimal documentation required” on their website. Consult your friends and family who have used these services to make an informed decision. 

4. Can I Get A Rs. 3 Lakh Loan With A Bad Credit Score?

Some lenders may sanction loans to individuals with poor credit scores at higher interest rates or with a co-signer. 

5. Should I Be Cautious When Applying for A Loan Without Documents? 

When applying for a loan from a new or unknown lender, research and check whether they’re a registered entity before proceeding. 

How to Get Loan Without a CIBIL Score?

Getting a loan can be a daunting task, especially if you have a low or no CIBIL score.

CIBIL, which stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, is a credit information bureau that maintains records of all credit-related activities of individuals and companies.

A CIBIL score is a three-digit number that ranges from 300 to 900 and is based on an individual’s credit history. A higher CIBIL score indicates that the individual has a good credit history, whereas a lower score indicates that the individual has a poor credit history. If you want to know more about CIBIL report, and CIBIL score, head over to this blog by Credmudra for a much deeper insight.

personal loan

So, What does a Low CIBIL Score or No CIBIL Score Show?

A low CIBIL score indicates that the individual has a poor credit history and is, therefore, considered a high-risk borrower.

A no CIBIL score indicates that the individual has not yet established any credit history and is therefore also considered a high-risk borrower.

Lenders are usually hesitant to lend to individuals with low or no CIBIL score as they are unsure of their creditworthiness.

After reading this, you might think Credit score and CIBIL score are the same, but that is not the case, if you are still confused, you can read our blog on Credit Score Vs CIBIL Score, to get a clear picture.

The Role of the CIBIL Score in Getting you a Loan is Significant

Most banks and financial institutions rely heavily on an individual’s CIBIL score while evaluating their loan application. A high CIBIL score can increase the chances of loan approval and also help in negotiating a better interest rate. On the other hand, a low or no CIBIL score can lead to loan rejection or approval with a high interest rate.

Also Read: Get Personal loan for CIBIL Defaulters Instantly

Best Ways to Get a Loan without CIBIL Score

Here are the six ways:

1. Secured Loans: Secured loans are loans that are backed by collateral such as property, gold, or any other asset. Since the loan is secured by collateral, lenders are more likely to approve the loan even if the individual has a low or no CIBIL score. However, if the individual defaults on the loan, the lender has the right to seize the collateral.

2. Peer-to-peer lending: Peer-to-peer lending platforms connect borrowers with lenders directly, bypassing traditional financial institutions. The platform uses alternative credit scoring methods to evaluate the borrower’s creditworthiness, making it easier for individuals with low or no CIBIL score to get a loan.

3. Co-Signer: A co-signer is a person who agrees to take joint responsibility for the loan. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the co-signer is held responsible for repaying the loan. Having a co-signer with a good credit history can increase the chances of loan approval even if the borrower has a low or no CIBIL score.

4. Microfinance Institutions: Microfinance institutions provide small loans to individuals who are unable to access traditional banking services. These institutions use alternative credit scoring methods to evaluate the borrower’s creditworthiness, making it easier for individuals with low or no CIBIL score to get a loan.

5. Salary Advance: Some companies offer salary advances to their employees. A salary advance is a short-term loan that is repaid through salary deductions. Since the loan is repaid through salary deductions, lenders are more likely to approve the loan even if the individual has a low or no CIBIL score.

6. Credit Unions: Credit unions are non-profit organizations that offer financial services to their members. Since credit unions are owned by their members, they are more likely to offer loans to individuals with low or no CIBIL score.

Also Read: 8 Best Ways to Improve Your CIBIL Score Quickly

How to Get a Loan without CIBIL Score?

You can still get a quick loan even if you don’t have a CIBIL score. Here are five ways to do that:

1. Find Someone to Co-Sign: A co-signer with good credit can help strengthen your loan application.

  • Co-signers Credit: A co-signer with a strong credit history can boost your loan application because their good credit score reassures lenders.
  • Co-signers Responsibility: The co-signer agrees to pay back the loan if you cannot, which reduces the risk for the lender.

2. Ask for a Small Loan: Starting with a small loan can help build a good payment history, which can lead to bigger loans in the future.

  • Build Credit History: A small loan can be easier to repay on time, helping you build a positive credit history.
  • Loan Amount Growth: Consistent repayment of smaller loans can make lenders more willing to offer you larger loans in the future.

3. Show your Income: Proving you have a stable income can show lenders you’re capable of paying back the loan.

  • Proof of Repayment Capability: Presenting proof of a steady income demonstrates your ability to repay the loan.
  • Income Documentation: Lenders typically accept pay slips, tax returns, and other documents as evidence of income.

4. Use Property as Security: Offering something valuable as security can make lenders more willing to give you a loan.

  • Risk Reduction for Lender: Offering assets as collateral decreases the lender’s risk, as the lender can claim the asset if the loan is not repaid.
  • Collateral Options: Assets like real estate, vehicles, or other valuables can be used as security for the loan.

5. Explain any Gaps in your Credit History: Being open about why you haven’t borrowed before can help build trust with lenders.

  • Transparency with Lenders: Openly discussing the reasons for your lack of credit history or past credit inactivity can foster trust.
  • Trust Building: Demonstrating honesty about your financial past may make lenders more comfortable in offering you credit.

Tips To Get Loan Without CIBIL Score:

Here are the points to remember when trying to obtain a loan with a low or no CIBIL score:

1. Approach Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) which may have more flexible lending criteria.
2. Present proof of income to demonstrate financial stability.
3. Consider adding a co-applicant with a strong financial background.
4. Request a smaller loan amount to increase the likelihood of approval.
5. Seek lenders that have partnerships with your employer, potentially easing income verification requirements.
6. Work on improving your credit score for future financial endeavors.
7. Look into secured loans, offering assets as collateral.
8. Explore online platforms that specialize in loans for individuals with low CIBIL scores.

Factors that Affect your CIBIL Score

Your CIBIL score is influenced by:

1. Credit Utilization: How much credit you’re using versus your available limit.
2. Payment History: Timeliness of your credit payments.
3. Credit Mix: Types of credit you have (loans, credit cards).
4. Credit Inquiries: Number of times you apply for credit.
5. Length of Credit History: How long you’ve had credit.

A Good CIBIL Score is Beneficial for:

1. Easier loan approvals.
2. Favorable interest rates.
3. Quicker loan processing.

In conclusion, getting a loan without a CIBIL score is not impossible. There are several ways to get a loan even with a low or no CIBIL score. However, it is important to understand the factors that affect your CIBIL score and take steps to maintain a good score. Remember, a good CIBIL score can open doors to numerous financial opportunities.

Also Read: Credit Score vs CIBIL Score: Are they Even Different?


1. Is it Possible to Obtain an Instant Loan without a CIBIL Score?

Yes, securing an instant loan without a CIBIL score is feasible. Options include secured loans against assets like gold or property, choosing online personal loan providers, or applying jointly with a co-applicant.

2. What constitutes a poor CIBIL Score?

A score falling between 300 and 549 is generally considered poor.

3. If I have a bad CIBIL Score, What are the Options for Obtaining a Loan with a Bad CIBIL Score?

If you have a low CIBIL score, securing a personal loan is still possible by applying alongside a co-applicant or having a guarantor. This requires the additional applicant to complete necessary KYC formalities and sign documents, as they’ll be partly responsible for the loan.

4. Is having a CIBIL Score Essential?

A CIBIL score is not mandatory but crucial for securing loans and credit cards in India, as it reflects creditworthiness and influences lenders’ decisions.

5. Is a CIBIL Score Check Necessary for an NBFC Loan?

Loan eligibility varies between lenders, and you might secure a loan from a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) without a CIBIL score check if you receive a pre-approved offer.

Also Read: Get a Salary Advance loan Without CIBIL Check

Apply loan from credmudra

Get 10000 Loan On Aadhaar Card – Step By Step Guide

What is an Aadhaar card?

Aadhaar is like your unique social security number but for India. It’s a 12-digit code that’s linked to your fingerprints and other personal info. Anyone who lives in India or has spent more than 6 months there in the past year can get one. It’s totally voluntary, but it can be really helpful for things like opening a bank account or getting a job.

personal loan

So, let’s be real, we’ve all been there—sudden expenses popping up out of nowhere and hitting us hard. Bills stacking up, and aah! It feels like a financial tension. But hey, here’s the deal: ever thought about using your Aadhaar card for a quick personal loan fix? No collateral is needed and with cool schemes like snagging a 10K loan just using your Aadhaar card.

Check this out: Credmudra. It’s your ticket to ease those money woes. Tap into it, apply for the loan hassle-free, and wrap things up with a few clicks. Easy-peasy, right? Follow these really simple steps to get a loan of 10,000 on your Aadhar card.

Now, let’s see the the criteria for eligibility to get the 10,000 loan on your Aadhar card. 

Eligibility Criteria for Rs 10,000 Loan On Aadhaar Card 

A seamless application process and a list of basic eligibility credentials make Aadhaar card loans an impressive scheme. Before seeking the loan, check out these pointers to ensure an error-free application:

  • Only Indian residents are fit for Aadhaar loans.
  • The minimum age while applying should be 21 years whereas those above 65 years of age are held ineligible.
  • The applicant needs to be a working individual linked with a public/ private company or an MNC at present.
  • Credit score should be at least 650 or above.

Besides these conditions, it is important to note that the income proof one presents must only include the transactions that directly get credited to their bank account. 

Aadhaar card loans, with their simplified application process and collateral-free nature, have emerged as a popular choice for many, who want quick access to funds. In this comparison table, explore the interest rates, processing fees, and prepayment charges,  associated with a ₹10,000 loan facilitated through Aadhaar cards.

Interest rate Starts at 9.30% per anum
Processing FeeUp to 2% of the approved loan amount
Prepayment ChargesUp to 4% of the outstanding loan amount
Also, Read: How To Apply For Rs. 5000 Loan On Aadhaar Card?

List of Mandatory Documents for Rs 10,000 Loan On Aadhaar Card

Here we have mentioned all the necessary documents for both self-employed and salaried Indians willing to apply for a 10000 loan on an Aadhaar card:

1. For Self-Employed Individuals

Self-employed Indians wishing to secure an online personal loan on an Aadhaar card need to submit the following documents:

  • Any 1 ID proof document (Aadhaar card/ PAN card/ Valid Voter ID/ Driving Licence/ Passport)
  • Any 1 address proof document (Utility bills like gas or electricity bills/ Passport/ Voter ID)
  • Bank statements showcasing transactions of the previous 3 months (in PDF format)
  • IT returns or Form 16

However, if you are already registered with Credmudra and have finished the oKYC process, we will take care of these formalities. 

2. For Salaried Individuals

For salaried applicants too, the required documentation is almost similar. Only there is a small difference in the income-proof segment. 

Go through this list to get an idea of the necessary documents:

  • Any 1 ID proof document (Aadhaar card/ PAN card/ Valid Voter ID/ Driving Licence/ Passport)
  • Only 1 address proof document (telephone/ electricity/ gas bill or a valid Voter ID)
  • Pay slips of the previous 3 months issued by the current employer

Usually, Credmudra’s internal team requires just 2-3 minutes to verify your eligibility. So, you may expect an instant disbursal while applying.

Also, Read: How to Get Rs. 2 lakh Personal Loan on Aadhaar Card?

EMI Calculation On Rs 10,000 Personal Loan on Aadhaar Card:

To calculate the EMI (Equated Monthly Installment) for a Rs 10,000 loan, the interest rate and loan tenure are essential. In the absence of specific details, a general formula and an example with assumed figures are provided below.

EMI Calculation Formula:
The EMI can be calculated using the formula:

EMI = [P x R x (1+R)^N]/[(1+R)^N-1]


  • P is the loan amount (Principal),
  • R is the monthly interest rate,
  • N is the number of monthly installments.

Now, let’s assume an interest rate of 12% per annum (which is 1% per month) and a loan tenure of 12 months.

P=10,000 (the loan amount),
R=1%=0.01 (monthly interest rate),
N=12 months (loan tenure).

Let’s calculate the EMI based on these assumptions.

Based on the assumptions of a 12% annual interest rate and a 12-month loan tenure, the EMI for a Rs 10,000 loan would be approximately Rs 888.49.
Remember, the actual EMI can vary depending on the lender’s specific interest rate and loan terms. ​

Easy Steps to Apply for Rs. 10,000 Aadhaar Card Loan 

Getting a loan in India based solely on an Aadhaar card involves a process that typically includes the following steps. It’s important to note that while an Aadhaar card serves as vital identity proof, lenders will require additional documents and checks to evaluate your creditworthiness and comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) norms.

1. Check Eligibility Criteria:

As outlined earlier in the blog, it’s crucial first to determine if you meet the general eligibility criteria. Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility, you should then review the specific eligibility requirements set forth by various lenders.

2. Research Lenders:

  • Banks and NBFCs: Traditional banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) offer personal loans that can be applied for with minimal documentation, including Aadhaar.
  • Online Lenders: Fintech companies and digital lending platforms often have less stringent requirements and faster processing times.

3. Understand the Terms:

  • Interest Rates: Compare the interest rates offered by different lenders to find the most cost-effective option.
  • Repayment Terms: Understand the loan tenure, EMI amount, and any prepayment charges.

4. Prepare Necessary Documents:

Compile the necessary documents listed in the blog’s previous sections for further processing or application steps.

5. Apply for the Loan:

  • Online Application: Many lenders allow you to apply online by filling out a form and uploading digital copies of your documents.
  • Verification Process: After application, there might be a verification process where the lender verifies the documents and information provided.

6. Loan Approval and Disbursement:

The loan amount is typically disbursed to your bank account if your application is approved. The time taken for disbursement can vary from a few hours to a few days, depending on the lender.

7. Repayment

Ensure timely repayment of EMIs to avoid penalties and negative impact on your credit score.
To know the EMI on a 10,000 loan on an Aadhar card, you can check out the below calculation:

Also, Read: 20000 Loan on Aadhaar Card : Check Eligibility, and Steps to Apply

Points to Remember Before Applying for Rs. 10,000 Aadhaar Card Loan

Before you think about getting a loan with your Aadhaar card, here’s what you should keep in mind:

1. Look Around Before Choosing: Before you decide on a loan, take the time to look at what. different lenders offer. You’ll want to compare things like interest rates, how easy it is to apply (like if it’s all done online), and any additional costs like processing fees. Choose someone you can trust.

2. Know Your Credit Score: Your credit score is like a report card for your finances, and lenders look at it to decide if they can trust you with a loan. If your score is low, there’s a chance your loan application might not make the cut. Keep an eye on your credit score to steer clear of any surprises when applying for a loan. If you find your score isn’t where it should be, check out our tips on improving your credit rating.

3. Only Borrow What You Need: Here’s a friendly piece of advice: only ask for the amount you actually need, not the maximum you might get approved for. This way, you won’t be overwhelmed by too much debt. For instance, if you get an offer for a Rs.5 lakh loan but only need Rs.1 lakh, just go for the Rs.1 lakh. Of course, if you’re sure you can handle paying back more, then adjusting your loan amount accordingly is okay.

4. Be Aware of Extra Fees: It’s not just about the loan amount and interest rates—some lenders might also charge you for paying off your loan early or for processing your loan application. These fees aren’t the same everywhere, so it’s something to look out for.

Tips for a Smooth Process for Aadhaar Card Loan

1. Check Credit Score: Before applying, check your credit score to ensure there are no surprises.

2. Read the Fine Print: Be aware of all terms and conditions, including any hidden fees and charges.

3. Consider Loan Insurance: For larger loan amounts, consider getting loan insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances.

The best part about Aadhaar loans is they do not attract any processing fees as well as pre-closure charges. Also, one may apply for a personal loan of up to Rs. 50,000 only by submitting their Aadhaar details. So what are you thinking about?

Join the Credmudra community and check out other related offerings today!

Also, Read: How to Apply for a ₹1000 Loan on Aadhaar Card?

FAQs On 10000 Loan on Aadhaar Card:

1. How does the disbursal take place for Aadhaar loans?

Upon receiving your personal details and income proof documents, Credmudra determines your creditworthiness and finds the perfect lender for you. If you meet all the lender-specific criteria, the amount gets transferred to your account immediately.    

 2. Why is Credmudra the best platform to apply for a 10000 loan on an Aadhaar card?

Credmudra allows its users to apply for 100% paperless personal loans that come with low interest rates. Also, in case of any confusion the loan applicant may connect with customer support for real-time solutions. 

 3. Is it possible to get an Aadhaar card loan without owning a PAN card?

Yes, lenders do not decline your Aadhaar loan request even if you do not possess a PAN card. However, all the other documents, as mentioned on the lender’s website, have to be provided.  

4. Can anyone get a loan of Rs. 50,000 by submitting their Aadhaar?

First, the applicant must mention their requirements and fill up the application form. After that, the lender will analyse their summary and come up with a counteroffer mentioning the maximum permissible loan.

5. What is the age limit for a 10,000 personal loan on an Aadhar card?

Anyone who falls into the age group of 21 to 60 years old, can apply for this type of loan.

Also, Read: Apply for a Rs. 50,000 loan on an Aadhaar Card


How to Get Personal Loans with Aadhaar Card and Pan Card

Hey there, life throws curveballs, and sometimes, we need a little financial boost to catch them. That’s where instant loans on Aadhaar and PAN cards come in – our savior! But before you jump in headfirst, let’s navigate this loan labyrinth together.

Imagine this: you need some quick cash (think unexpected medical bill or that dream concert you just can’t miss). That is when you can use your Aadhaar and PAN cards, to get that quick cash! Within minutes, you’ve got money deposited in your account. Sounds fishy, right? Wrong! You can access fast cash of instant loans with Aadhaar and PAN cards.

personal loan

Instant loans on Aadhaar and PAN cards have revolutionized the borrowing experience, making it more accessible and convenient for individuals in need of quick financial assistance. In this detailed blog, we’ll explore the ins and outs of acquiring instant loans using Aadhaar and PAN cards, ensuring you’re equipped with all the necessary information to make informed decisions.

Things To Remember Before Applying Loan on Aadhar and PAN Card

Know your credit score, do the math, and figure out how much you need and for how long. Remember, borrowing involves paying back with interest, so be realistic!

Shop around, don’t settle for the first offer you see! Compare interest rates, repayment terms, and hidden fees from different lenders to find the best deal. Now to help you understand this, we have got the following points:

1. Assess Your Financial Needs: Determine the exact amount you require and ensure it aligns with your repayment capabilities.
2. Understand Loan Terms: Familiarize yourself with interest rates, repayment periods, and any additional charges.
3. Check Credibility: Research and select a reputable lending platform that offers transparent terms and conditions.
4. Purpose of the Loan: Think about why you need the loan and have a clear plan for its use. Having a well-defined purpose will help determine the loan amount you require.

5. Qualifying Factors: Different lenders have varying criteria such as age restrictions and considerations about your income, credit score, and financial stability before approving a loan.

6. Check Your Credit Score: Ensure your credit report is in good shape before applying. Credit bureaus like CIBIL, TransUnion, or Experian assign a score based on your credit history. A score ranging from 750 to 900 is usually considered good for loan approval.

Let us now understand the charges that are there on instant loans on Aadhar cards and PAN cards. 

Charges and fees on Instant Loan On Aadhar Card and PAN Card:

When taking an instant loan on Aadhar Card and PAN card, the following are the charges and fees one needs to pay:

1.  Processing Fee: This is a cost for handling your loan application and is usually a percentage of the loan amount.

2. Verification Charge: Fee for the process of verifying your personal and financial information during the loan application.

3. Goods and Service Tax (GST): A government-imposed tax applied to the services provided by the lender, including processing and other service fees.

4. Penal Interest: Extra interest charged on any delayed or missed loan repayments.

5. Part-prepayment and Foreclosure Charge: Fees incurred if you repay a portion of or the entire loan before the scheduled end date.

6.Documentation Charge: Fee for the paperwork and administrative tasks involved in processing your loan application.

7. Stamp Duty: A government tax paid for the legal recognition of the loan agreement.

8. Credit Administration Fee: Charge for managing the credit aspect of your loan, including the maintenance and monitoring of your account.

Note that the actual costs of these charges can differ between lenders, so it’s important to review them carefully before agreeing to a personal loan.


Benefits of Personal Loan on Aadhar and PAN Card

Understanding the features of these loans:

1. Speedy Disbursement: Instant loans ensure quick access to funds, often within hours of approval.
2. Minimal Documentation: Aadhaar and PAN cards streamline the application process, requiring fewer documents.
3. Flexibility in Usage: Use the loan amount for various purposes like medical emergencies, education expenses, or unexpected bills.
4. Convenient Application: Online application processes make it hassle-free, allowing you to apply from the comfort of your home.

Now that you have understood the benefits of instant loan on Aadhar Card and PAN Card, you must be wondering why your PAN card holds so much importance; read further to understand the reason!

Why PAN Card is Necessary for Taking A Personal Loan?

Here’s a clearer and simpler way to explain the importance of PAN cards for loans:

Why PAN Cards Matter for oans:

1. Fraud Prevention: With more fake borrowers, PAN cards are now required to check your financial history. This helps lenders see if you’ve had problems repaying past loans (bad debts) or gone bankrupt. It also shows if you’ve been blacklisted by other lenders.

2. Your Financial Health: The PAN card basically gives lenders a glimpse into your financial habits. This helps them decide if you’re a good risk and likely to repay the loan.

Beyond loans, PAN cards are useful for:

1. Identification: A PAN card is like an official ID with your photo and name. It’s helpful for opening bank accounts or getting a new Aadhaar card while yours is processing.

2. Credit Score Check: You can use your PAN card number to check your CIBIL score, which shows your creditworthiness.

3. Taxes: If you earn income, you might need to file income tax returns. Linking your PAN card to your bank account lets you get any tax refunds directly deposited.

4. Opening Bank Accounts: Most banks require a PAN card to open savings or current accounts.

Aadhar Card and Its Significance for a Personal Loan

Aadhar card makes getting a personal loan in India much easier. Here’s how:

1. Proves Who You Are: Lenders can be sure it’s really you applying for the loan.

2. Shows Where You Live: No need for extra documents to prove your address.

3. Less Paperwork: The Aadhar card combines ID and address proof in one, saving you time.

4. Faster Approvals: Electronic verification (e-KYC) with Aadhar means quicker loan decisions.

Also, Read: How to Apply for a ₹1000 Loan on Aadhaar Card?

Eligibility Criteria for a Loan on Aadhar Card and PAN Card

1. Age Criteria: Generally, individuals between 21 to 65 years are eligible.
2. Income Requirements: Some lenders may specify minimum income thresholds for loan approval differently for salaried and self-employed individuals.
3. Credit History: A decent credit score could enhance your chances of approval.
4. Valid Aadhaar card linked to your mobile number
5. PAN card for income verification

Calculate Your Personal Loan EMI

How to Apply for Instant Loan on Aadhar Card and PAN Card?

Applying for an instant cash loan using your Aadhaar and/or PAN card is simple:

1. Visit the lender’s app or website.
2. Fill in your personal information.
3. Complete your V-KYC using your PAN or Aadhaar.
4. Verify your loan eligibility.
5. Click ‘Apply’ to finish your application.

Remember, these steps might differ slightly depending on the lender. Credmudra, as a loan matchmaking platform, simplifies this process by matching you with the ideal lender, saving you time and effort in finding the right fit for your loan needs.
Borrowing is a responsibility, so use these loans wisely! Pay your EMIs on time, avoid accumulating unnecessary debt, and make these instant loans your financial friend, not foe.

Also, Read: 50000 Loan on PAN Card: Check Eligibility, and Steps to Apply

Documentation of Instant Loan on Aadhar card and PAN Card:

Getting an Aadhaar or PAN card loan requires a few documents based on your professional status:

For Salaried Professionals:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • PAN Card
  • 3 months’ Salary slip
  • Any other address proof

For Self-Employed Individuals:

  • Aadhaar Card
  • PAN Card
  • 3 months’ bank statements
  • Any other address proof

Thanks to the Aadhaar card and PAN card, you no longer need to stand in long queues for loan approval. These two documents have made the loan approval process faster and hassle-free.

An Aadhaar card issued by the Indian government is used for biometric verification, while a PAN card helps verify your financial and taxation activity. So, if you’re planning to apply for a personal loan, make sure to keep your Aadhaar card and PAN card handy. To update your Aadhar card, you can check out our detailed blog on this, involving the steps to update or apply for an Aadhar card. They are both essential and can help you get instant loan approval.

Don’t let financial emergencies catch you off guard. Apply for a personal loan today with your Aadhaar card and PAN card and get the money you need in no time!

Also, Read: How To Apply For ₹5000 Loan On Aadhaar Card?



1. Are Instant Loans Available using my Aadhaar Card?

Yes, many lenders, particularly those operating through apps, offer Aadhaar card-based loans. However, approval hinges on meeting eligibility requirements. It’s crucial to note that not all lenders are trustworthy. Conduct thorough research before applying. Ensure to assess your credit score and ability to repay the loan.

2. What’s the Loan limit on an Aadhaar Card?

The loan amount varies based on the borrower’s needs, while lenders have preset sanction limits. Some lenders provide personal loans up to 2 lakhs, while others approve instant loans up to 5 lakhs.

3. Are Loans on Aadhaar Card Legitimate or a Scam?

Aadhaar-based small cash loans are authentic and offered by banks and NBFCs to address short-term financial needs. These loans, secured using an Aadhaar card, can be invaluable during emergencies. They’re unsecured, meaning no collateral is needed for approval.

4. What Benefits come with using a PAN Card for a Personal Loan?

Utilizing a PAN card for a personal loan offers advantages such as user-friendly processes, minimal paperwork, no collateral required, appealing interest rates, and swift disbursal of funds.

5. Is a Co-Applicant Necessary for an Aadhaar Card-Based Personal Loan?

Typically, a co-applicant isn’t required for an Aadhaar card-based personal loan.

Also, Read: 10000 Loan Without a PAN Card in Few Clicks