How to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card in 2024?

how to check cibil score with aadhar card

Applying for a personal loan to tackle unexpected financial emergencies, such as home renovation, travel, and vehicle repairs, always helps address the situation promptly. However, having a poor credit score might result in loan rejections from digital lenders and banks.

Checking and increasing your CIBIL score using some best practices helps you get personal loans quickly during a financial crisis. It’s easy to check your CIBIL scores online using your Aadhaar card number.

This article discusses the ways to check cibil score using Aadhaar card, and effective tips to improve it.

Also, Read: Credit Score vs CIBIL Score: Are they Even Different?

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How to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card?

Checking your CIBIL score frequently and maintaining it above 750 is crucial, as it’s difficult to get loans without a good CIBIL score. You can submit your Aadhaar card as an identity proof to check your CIBIL score. However, checking your CIBIL score using only your Aadhaar card number is impossible. Along with your Aadhaar card, you need to provide PAN card details as it records all your financial transactions. Submit your PAN card and Aadhaar for identity verification to know your CIBIL score.

Ways to Check CIBIL Score With Aadhaar Card Online

Two easy ways you can try to get your CIBIL score for free before you begin to apply for a personal loan:

1. CIBIL’s Website

Visit official CIBIL website to check your credit score for free once a year. They also have paid plans to which you can subscribe if you want to check your CIBIL score frequently.

See this table to choose a plan that fits your budget and purpose: 

Basic Rs.500 for a month
Standard Rs.800 for 6 months
Premium Rs.1200 for 12 months

With these plans, you can access your CIBIL report, tailored loan offers, score simulator, trended view, and CIBIL alerts.

Step 1: Register and create an account if you’ve never used CIBIL’s website to get a free CIBIL report. Enter your username and password to log in if you already have an account.

Step 2: After signing in, enter your email address, password, first name, and last name. Then choose the ID type from different identity documents (PAN card, Passport, Voter ID, Ration Card, and Driver’s License).

After choosing the ID type, submit the ID Number, Date of Birth, Pincode, and your Mobile Number. Click ‘Accept and Continue’ to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: You’ll receive an OTP to your mobile number, type in the OTP and click ‘Continue’. After enrolling, Select ‘Go to Dashboard’ to check your credit score.

2. Other Websites and Mobile Applications

In addition to CIBIL’s website, various other websites and mobile applications allow you to check CIBIL scores for free. The steps are straightforward: register, submit the required details, and continue to check your CIBIL score. Unlike CIBIL, these websites allow you to check your CIBIL score for free multiple times.

Also, Read: Get Personal loan for CIBIL Defaulters Instantly

What is a CIBIL Score?

CIBIL score, a three-digit number ranging between 300-900, shows lenders your loan repayment capabilities. It is calculated by the Credit Information Bureau India Limited, an agency authorized by the Reserve Bank Of India. Factors such as credit repayment history, credit inquiries, credit mix, and credit utilization decide your CIBIL score.

CIBIL score is one of the most important parameters lenders consider while approving loans to borrowers. The higher the CIBIL score (close to 900), the higher your chances of loans and credit card approval. Your CIBIL score also plays a significant role in helping lenders determine loan amounts, interest rates, and repayment tenure.

CIBIL Score Range: Meaning and Impact

Your CIBIL score range decides whether or not you can get loans easily. We discuss different CIBIL score ranges and how they impact your loan applications below:

Credit Score Range Meaning Impact on Loan Approval
Above 800 Excellent Quickly get loans with flexible interest rates and repayment tenure
750 to 799 Good Get approved for loans easily
701 to 749 Fair You may get loans but still need to work on your credit score
601 to 700 Low Difficult to get loans and credit cards
300 to 599 Poor High chances of getting rejected for loans, and the focus should be on improving your CIBIL score

Benefits of Maintaining a Good CIBIL Score

Some benefits that reinforce the need to maintain a high CIBIL score are:

1. Higher Chances of Loan Approval

A high CIBIL score indicates that you have been repaying your loan EMIs promptly, implying that you are a responsible borrower. This increases your chances of loan approval, as lenders and financial institutions consider you a low-risk borrower. Though you can get NBFC loans without CIBIL score, it’s important to maintain a good CIBIL score of above 750 to avail of a loan during financial emergencies.

2. Lower Interest Rates

Lenders fix interest rates based on the borrower’s risk profile. Since a high CIBIL score indicates your creditworthiness, lenders approve loans with comparatively lower interest rates. Even the slightest reduction in interest rate can help you cut costs significantly, making this one of the main benefits of maintaining a good score.

3. Increased Loan Amount

Higher loan amounts or limits increase the lender’s risk, as they come with disadvantages such as extended repayment tenures. Lenders provide higher loan amounts only to borrowers with strong CIBIL scores to avoid loan defaults. Hence, if you opt for higher loan limits, ensure you have a good CIBIL score.

4. Longer Repayment Tenure

Longer repayment tenure is advantageous for individuals, as it helps manage monthly expenses and loan EMIs without stress. However, if the CIBIL score is comparatively low with improper repayment behaviors, then lenders don’t offer flexible repayment tenure as it increases the risk on their side. Therefore, maintaining a decent CIBIL score helps you to get personal loans with flexible repayment tenure that fits your pocket.

5. Pre-Approved Loans

The benefits of pre-approved loans include minimal documentation, instant disbursal, and collateral-free loans. Maintaining a good CIBIL score helps you qualify for pre-approved loans.

Also, Read: 8 Best Ways to Improve Your CIBIL Score Quickly 

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Practical Tips to Improve Your CIBIL Score

Here are some practical tips to improve your CIBIL score:

  • Pay your EMIs on time

Pay your EMIs and credit card bills on time, as missing a single payment affects your CIBIL score. It then takes years to rebuild your CIBIL score, causing disadvantages such as higher interest rates, short repayment tenure, and low credit limits for future loans.

The best way to achieve this is to set reminders or enable automatic transfer of payments from your bank account.

  • Avoid taking multiple loans

Avoid applying for multiple loans and making multiple credit inquiries in a short period. This makes lenders think you are financially incapable. It also leads to hard inquiries on your CIBIL report, pushing your CIBIL score down further.

  • Minimize credit utilization

Maintain low credit utilization. A higher credit utilization ratio should only be temporary, where you pay off the debt quickly. This keeps your credit score steady without any fluctuations.

  • Report discrepancies in your credit report

Sometimes, errors and inconsistencies in your CIBIL report can cause poor CIBIL score. Credit bureaus may have failed to update your report or updated it with incorrect information. In such cases, applying for correction increases your CIBIL score quickly.

  • Borrow a mix of credit

Having a variety of credit mixes boosts your CIBIL score, helping lenders and banks understand how you manage different types of credit with responsible financial behaviors. Hence, handle your financial requirements through credit cards, unsecured loans, and revolving credit accounts. Pay credit card bills and loans on time to improve your credit score further.

  • Clear your debts

Not paying loans on time negatively impacts your credit score, and lenders don’t offer loans when you have a large outstanding debt. It’s better to repay the debt or foreclose the loan so that you can improve your CIBIL score.

Check Your CIBIL Score and Stay Ahead of Your Finances

The importance of maintaining a good CIBIL score continues after getting approved for loans and credit cards. A good CIBIL score increases your chances for low interest rates, flexible repayment tenure, higher loan amounts, and pre-approved loans.

This blog outlines the best ways to check your CIBIL score online. Submit the required details, and get your CIBIL score and report in a few seconds.


1.Can I check my CIBIL score using my Aadhaar card?

You can check your CIBIL score using your Aadhaar card and other documents, such as a PAN card, driver’s license, or passport. However, you cannot check it solely using your Aadhaar card.

2.Does CIBIL score matter while applying for personal loans?

You need a good CIBIL score to get approved for personal loans. Lenders prefer sanctioning loans to individuals with CIBIL scores above 750.

3.How to improve my CIBIL score?

Some ways to increase your CIBIL score are to set reminders and pay EMIs promptly, minimize credit utilization ratio, and report errors and discrepancies in your CIBIL report.

4.How to check your CIBIL score online?

Visit CIBIL’s website, create an account, and submit your details, such as name, ID number, phone number, and email address, to check your CIBIL score.

5.Can I check my CIBIL score for free?

You can check your CIBIL score for free once using your free account on CIBIL’s website. However, to check it more frequently, you need to opt for paid subscriptions.

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